Strength SC W1D2 Clean pulls 3-3-3-3 @110% of 1RM Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 METCON 5 min AMRAP Power clean and jerk 155/105

Each event will have a dedicated warm up area and a pre workout muster point for athletes. Each athletes will be required to be at the muster point 5 minutes prior to their events. The scoring system will be described on a later post. 1st event is at the Highwood outdoor pool 0845 Event 1…

Skills/ technique The rope climb METCON 15min AMRAP 400m run 15 power snatch 75/55 1 legless rope climb Maintenance Full body stretch

Hello pyromanians, the event is less than a week away and we just wanted to let you know that everything is going as planned. A full outline of the day will be posted tomorrow. We’ll be posting heat times early this week. We still have athletes signing up so we’ll wait a bit longer. As…

Today, we’re starting a 6 week strength cycle. We’re going to work on some basic lifts like back squat, front squat, overhead squat, shoulder to overhead and deadlift. Also included in the program is movements to increasing our capacity at Olympic Lifts. Not a long cycle by any stretch but it will get your numbers…

Triple treat  “Karen/Annie/Isabel” For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Wall balls 20/14 Double unders Sit ups 6 snatch 135/95

Well deserved rest day!!!! Stretch it out and roll Back at it Sunday 0900 and 1000. Be ready for a triple benchmark. 

Fundamentals 2: Gymnastics at 8pm Fundamentals are for everyone, it is included in our membership. You might think this is not for you but remember that fundamentals are the basic of everything we do. This is not only good for someone who just started but also for the most experienced athlete. We invite everyone to…

“Stampede special” Bring your daisy dukes and a cowboy hat if available.  Tabata rodeo Tabata sled push 30ft 305/225 Tabata med ball cleans 20/14 Tabata sand bag lunges 70/50 Tabata kettlebell swings 70/53 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds rest, no rest between movements. Score is total reps for all the tabatas together.

“CrossFit Striking” 5 rounds for reps: 1min ground and pound 1,2,3,4 1min double unders 1min under the rope combo 1,2,3 1min rest between rounds

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