Weakness 5 min Skills The clean and jerk Strength W4D2 Clean pulls 3-3-3-3-3 @110% of 1rm Push jerk 2-2-2-2-2 from the rack

Weaknesses 10 min METCON 5 rounds for time: 1 rope climb 30ft handstand walk 3 forward rolls 60ft squat jumps 3 pull over Note: Each round, add 1 rope climb. Round 2, 2 rope climbs, round 3, 3 rope climbs… Maintenance/mobility 10min ​​

How’s the nutrition challenge going? Keep it up, eating healthy is a lot of work but you will appreciate the results. In the long run, if you keep good eating habits, you’re body composition will change, fat percentage will go down, your performance in the gym will go up and you’re going to feel way…

Weaknesses 10 min METCON “Hope” 3 rounds for reps 1min burpees 1min power snatch 75/55 1min box jumps 24/20 1min thrusters 75/55 1min chest to bar pull ups 1min rest Score is total reps for all 3 rounds combined.  Note: Same format as fight gone bad, lots of volume here, be smart about scalling. Have…

Rest day No classes today. Back at it Sunday at 9/10. There will be no open gym at 11.  Take the time to stretch, here’s a little mobility wod: 3 rounds 1 min couch stretch right leg 1 min couch stretch left leg 1 min butterfly 1 min pancake stretch Add whatever you see fit….

Strength W3D3 Every min on the min until failure Snatch Clean Deadlift Men starts at 95lbs, female starts at 65lbs. Increase by 10lbs every min. Once you fail on the snatch move to the cleans, once you fail the cleans, move to the deadlifts, keep increasing by 10lbs every minute. Score is max weight achieved…

Weaknesses  10 min Strength/skills 5 rounds not for time: 2 bench press (as heavy as possible, build up to a 2 rep max) 2 legless rope climbs Max unbroken double unders Score is max bench press weight, rope climb rx or scaled and total double unders for all 5 rounds. This is not for time…

Weaknesses 5 min Strength  W3D2 Overhead squats 7-7-7-7-7 METCON For time: Rx  30 ring muscle ups or 30 bar muscle ups Scaled 30 chest to bar pull ups + 30 ring dips or box dips or 30 pull ups + 30 push ups or 30 ring rows + 30 push ups Note: Target something challenging…

Weaknesses 10 min METCON 8min AMRAP 13 knees to elbows 13 handstand push ups 13 pistols Core Hanging L-sit hold x 5 Maintenance Full body roll

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