Off and On Duty Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 3 snatches 6 clean and jerks 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups 54 double-unders Men use 135 lb., women use 105 lb.
On and Off Duty Rest day Active recovery 10 minutes Roll and stretch 10 minutes
Off and On Duty Split jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Off and On Duty 7 rounds for time of: 95-lb. power cleans, 7 reps 95-lb. thrusters, 7 reps 7 bar-facing burpees Note: On duty, scale accordingly, 5 rds might be sufficient
Off and On Duty Hang squat snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps Hang power clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Off Duty AMRAP 20 minutes: 2 12 inches deficit handstand push ups 4 30 inches box jumps 8 power snatches 95/75 10 minutes mandatory stretch (that might be the worst actually) On Duty AMRAP 12 minutes: 2 12 inches deficit handstand push ups 4 30 inches box jumps 8 power snatches 95/75 10 minutes mandatory…
Off Duty For time: 15-foot L-sit rope climb, 4 ascents 15-foot legless rope climb, 8 ascents 15-foot rope climb, 12 ascents On Duty 5 sets of max reps strict pull-ups 5 sets of max reps kipping or butterfly pull-ups Rest as needed between sets, score is total reps for all 10 sets
Strength Hang power cleans 5-5-5-5-5 METCON Tabata Something Else Tabata pull-ups Tabata push-ups Tabata sit-ups Tabata squats Score is total reps from all 32 intervals
Off Duty 5 rounds for time of: 30 hip extensions Handstand handstand walk 50 feet Lunge 150 feet On Duty 5 rounds for time of: 30 barbell good mornings Bear crawl 50 feet Lunge 150 feet
Rest Day Active recovery 10 minutes Stretch 10 minutes