Skills Handstand/ handstand walk METCON 5 rounds for time of: 20 L pull-ups 16 ring dips

Congratulation to Enrique who finished fundamentals today. Looking forward to see you in class. Nice work!! “TOP GUN” For Time: 20 Thrusters (135/95 lbs) 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (135/95 lbs) 20 Push Jerks (135/95 lbs) 20 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs) 20 Front Squats (135/95 lbs) Every minute, stop and perform 4 burpees

Strength E2M10M 0-2/ 5 hang power snatch 2-4/ 4 hang power snatch 4-6/ 3 hang power snatch 6-8/ 2 hang power snatch 8-10/ 1 hang power snatch METCON 12 min AMRAP 12 wall balls 20/14 12 kettlebell swings 53/35 12 sit ups

CF total: 1RM shoulder press 1RM back squat 1RM deadlift Your score is the total pounds of all 3 lifts together

Each for time: Row 500 meters then max L-sit hold Row 1000 meters then max L-sit hold Row 2000 meters then max L-sit hold Rest as needed between efforts

Happy new year from CrossFit Pyro!! Rest Day If you have few minutes to spare, stretch it out. Big things will be happenning for CrossFit Pyro in 2016. We’ll be sharing with you very soon. 

8 minutes AMRAP 9 sumo deadlift high pull 75/55 15 burpees over the bar 21 box jumps/step ups 24/20 Rest 2 minutes then 8 minutes AMRAP 9 box jumps/step ups 24/20 15 burpees over the bar 21 sumo deadlift high pull 75/55 Note: You will Rx this workout no matter what!!!

Back squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

2013 individual event #6 100 double unders 50 handstand push ups 40 toes to bar 30 push jerks 160/120 30 lunge steps 160/120

Strength Every 2 min for 12 min 1 hang power clean 2 front squats 3 shoulder to overhead Built to max (6 sets) METCON 3 rounds for time of: 10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, left arm 5 bar muscle-ups 10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, right arm 5 bar muscle-ups 55/40

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