Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Classes at 9 and 10, open gym at 11
7 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 walking lunges
15 pull-ups
9 burpees
If you have a 20-lb. weight vest or body armor, wear it.
Danish Army Sgt. René Brink Jakobsen of Vang, Denmark, died Jan. 3, 2013, after being hit by an improvised explosive device while on foot patrol with his unit in Upper Gereshk Valley in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The 39-year-old was a member of the elite Danish Special Forces Ranger unit called Jaegerkorpet. Jakobsen is survived by his wife, Camilla; three children, Mie, Sara and Thor; and many loving relatives and friends.
Registration for the Festivus Games is officially closed. We have 20 teams registered. We’ll be posting the heat times Monday. We need volunteers for the event, judging and helping out with the equipment. We’ll have a volunteers sign up sheet at the box this week. We’ll be able to asign you heat times for judging as well. This is going to be epic!!
The Battle Royale is full. We have 32 combatants registered, only one survivor will come out champion. This is going to be uber epic!!
Thanksgiving hours: Monday classes at 9 and 10, open gym at 11
Partner workout
For time:
Buy in: 400m run hill side
10 rounds alternating partners
25 cals row
25 wall balls 20/14
25 kettlebell swings 53/35
Buy out: 400m run hill side
Note: For the run, one partner carries the med ball, the other carries the kettlebell
This is the last day to sign up for the festivus games. Do it!!
The Battle Royale is officially full capacity. This is going to be absolutely insane!!
Hollow/arch positions
Beat swing
15min AMRAP
5 burpee tuck jumps
5 strict pull ups
10 burpee tuck jumps
5 strict pull ups
15 burpee tuck jumps
Keep adding 5 burpees after each rounds, pull ups stays the same
Overhead squats
Note: If you can, snatch balance the 1st rep
5 sets
1 push press + 2 jerks
Bench press
Acc work
Barbell bicep curls (build to max)
For time:
Hang squat cleans
Knees to elbows
GHD sit ups
135/95 155/115 185/135 205/155 225/165
One day left to sign up for the Festivus Games. There’s no better time than now, do it!!!
3 spots left for the Battle Royale
7min AMRAP
3 muscle ups
30 double unders
10min stretch
Festivus games volunteers needed. We need judges and helpers with the gear. Let us know if you can help out, even just a little bit. Anything would be much appreciated
The Battle Royale is almost full. 4 spots left. This is going to be epic!!!
5min EMOM
3 strict toes to bar
3 kipping toes to bar
6 sec hanging L-sit hold
3 rounds of 4min for reps:
4 power snatch 75/55 95/65 135/95
6 overhead walking lunges
8 box jumps 24/20
2min rest between rounds
Note: The weight increase after each rounds. Continue where you left off from round to round
Warm up
Muscle clean
5 sets
2 Hang power cleans + 1 push jerk
5 sets
1 power clean + 2 split jerks
Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk
Back squats
The power clean
Handstand push ups, kipping handstand push ups
CrossFit Games Open 15.4
As prescribed Rx
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
6 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
9 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
12 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
15 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
18 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
21 handstand push-ups
9 cleans
Etc., adding 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds.
Men clean 185 lb.
Women clean 125 lb.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 cleans
Men push press 95 lb. and clean 115 lb.
Women push press 65 lb. and clean 75 lb.
Note: If you’re planning to do this Rx, try to get a judge. Either the coach or another athlete in the class. The workout is only 8min so we can easily rotate athletes and be on time
Roll 5min
Stretch 5min
The team series is over. What a blast! Honestly we were hoping more teams would get in, hopefully next year we get more. Regardless as to why you didn’t sign up, it was a lot of fun, the workouts were a good challenge and the format was really interesting. It’s essentially like the open but for teams. We’ll be doing it again next year for sure. Team David Rochon/Scott Regier finished 9th and team Clay Simmonds/Connor Simmonds finished 14th Rx male pairs out of about 100 teams Canada west. Sweet skillz!!!
Help wanted. With the upcoming Festivus games and the Battle Royale, we’re in need of volunteers to help with the judging and logistics like moving equipment and such. Because of the nature of the Battle Royale, the first two workout will be on the honor system. We can’t possibly have 30 or 21 judges. The following workouts will be judged. Let us know at the box or by email. Thanks
Overhead squats
Note: Strength day only, use that time wisely, work on form, ask your coach on pointers. If your mobility prevents you from adding weight, perform the sets at light load and then do the same with front or back squats. If you have an urgent need to do a METCON, do the floater wod. Recommendation is to stick with strength only, give the nervous system a break, especially after the “Motherchipper”. Be impressed by intensity, not volume. Doing too much will slow your progress down and prevents you from putting efforts where it matters.
Warm up
Muscle snatch
Hang Power snatch
Power snatch (not touch and go)
Snatch pulls @110% of 1rm
Front squats
For time:
50 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
50 wall balls 20/14
50 bar facing burpees
50 dumbbell snatch 50/35
50 pistols
50 ghd sit ups
50 clusters 95/65
50 double unders
Hey Pyromanians, new schedule and class lineup.
Gymnastics focus, every Saturdays at 9am. Lots of skills work, no barbells in this class. CrossFit is born out of gymnastics it was only natural to add a gymnastics focus class at some point. Starts next week with Coach Em. This is going to be awesome!!
Firebreathers class moved to Saturdays 11am. You should have a good understanding of what CrossFit is and it’s movements coming into this class but this is still for everyone, less focus on the basics, less teaching, more doing.
The beginners class will now be called CrossFit Lite. Same as the beginners class, focus on fundamentals, basic movements, the volume and the workouts might altered to make the classes more accessible to new members. The class is still for everyone. Since we only have one space, this might be the only time you can come workout on that day so everybody is welcome. Just keep in mind that this our class to bridge the gap from zero experience to regular classes for the new members. The other reason why we called it “Lite” is that might be more appealing for some people to do this than going all out in a regular class. Also, there will be no scores on the board. A lot of new members are intimidated by the nature of CrossFit, especially seeing experienced athletes performing well, pushing hard, lifting heavy loads and doing high level gymnastics. If you have any questions on the CrossFit Lite classes, let us know
Reminder: The Festivus games are Saturday October 14th
1st year anniversary/Battle Royale is Sunday October 22nd
Team Series week 2
No partner, no problem. You can do both workouts solo. Workout 8 is basically the benchmark workout “Jackie” with chest to bar pull ups. If you’ve never done “Jackie” before, just do it with regular pull ups.
Workout 7
On a 20-minute clock, for max reps/pounds:
Partner 1:
0:00-2:00 Handstand push-ups
2:00-4:00 Rest
4:00-6:00 Double-unders
6:00-8:00 Rest
8:00-10:00 1-rep-max back squat
Then, Partner 2:
10:00-12:00 1-rep-max back squat
12:00-14:00 Rest
14:00-16:00 Double-unders
16:00-18:00 Rest
18:00-20:00 Handstand push-ups
Coach note: Absolutely brilliant format. Challenging but fun, especially in a team format
Workout 8
For time:
Partner 1 completes:
1,000-m row
50 thrusters
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Then, Partner 2 completes:
1,000-m row
50 thrusters
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10min handstand walk
10min to find
3 rep max hang squat snatch
Heavy Amanda
For time:
Muscle ups
Squat snatch 155/115
Note: The Firebreather class is for everyone, EVERYONE!!! If you can’t do any of the movements above, that’s exactly why you should come. A Firebreather is able to recognize his/her weaknesses and work at it. You should look at this like a challenge, focus on what you can do, learn and improve, believe that one day you will be able to achieve these things
Power cleans (touch and go)
Shoulder press
Push press