The Last Samurai
Not many people know the true story of The Last Samurai, the sweeping Tom Cruise epic of 2003. His character, the noble Captain Algren, was actually largely based on a real person: the French officer Jules Brunet.

Brunet was sent to Japan to train soldiers on how to use modern weapons and tactics. He later chose to stay and fight alongside the Tokugawa samurai in their resistance against Emperor Meiji and his move to modernize Japan.

1 mile run/walk
30 squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Meditation 5min

Maintenance/Mobility 10min
Standing straddle 3min
Fragon 2min per side
Saddle 3min

Kendo (the way of the barbell)
30 thrusters


3 rounds for reps:

1min sumo deadlift high pulls
1min V-ups
1min Goblet squats
1min push ups
1min burpees

1min rest between rounds

Note: For the sumo deadlift high pulls and the goblet squats, just use whatever you have at your disposal. Barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, water jug, sandbag…No excuses
Score is total reps for all 3 rounds combined

Accessory work
SLIPS for 20min
(Scales, L-sit, Inversion, Planks, Stretch)

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