ZOOM online class at 11am. The workout has farmers carry in it so it’s obviously not gonna work during the workout. Keep in mind that this is coached. You will get a workout briefing and go over the workout inten. Warm-up all together, movements demo and go over scales and modifications. This is extremely valuable and highly recommended to all of you, regardless of your fitness level and capacity. All ZOOM class times are on Rhinofit. BOOM!

1mile run/walk
30 squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Note: Remember that you can switch movements form day to day. Also, don’t be afraid to make this its own workout to change it up. For example:
2 rounds for time:
800m run
15 goblet squats
10 handstand push ups
5 strict chest to bar pull ups

Or just do the whole thing for time: 1mile run, 30 squats, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups. We’re in this for 21 days so make sure to keep it interesting.

Meditation 5min

Maintenance/Mobility 10min
Squat hold 2min
Saddle archer 2min per side
Thread the needle 2min per side

Nutrition journal log

Kendo (the way of the barbell)
30 split jerks

Note: Technique focus, use an empty barbell, pvc pipe, broomstick, hockey stick, whatever you’ve got


For time:

Buy in
1min L-sit hold or 2min plank hold

400m farmers carry

Buy out
1min L-sit hold or 2min plank hold

Note: For the farmers carry. Use whatever you have. Dumbbells, kettlebells, water jugs, backpacks or suitcases. Go as heavy as you can but aim for something approximately 70/50 per hand. You can even carry different weights for each side.

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