1mile run/walk
30 squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Note: For the movements, any variations. For example, you could do 30 pistols, 20 handstand push ups, 10 muscle ups. Keep in mind that you’ll be doing this every day for 21 days so don’t over do it. Keep it simple. You can change it up from day to day. This can also be part of your warm up


For time:


Single arm thrusters 50/35

**Weight vest or backpack on**

Note: For the thrusters, use whatever you’ve got. Dumbbell, kettlebell, backpack, sandbag. Switch arms as needed. Worst case, you can also just do regular thrusters with 2 arms as well.

Kendo (Way of the barbell)
30 hip snatch
Note: Technique focus, use whatever you’ve got. PVC pipe, broomstick, hockey stick, golf club, just get it done. If you have a barbell with some weight, go for it

Meditation 5min
Be in the present moment, don’t think about the past or the future, stay in the moment. No distractions, no phones, no music, just you with your inner self. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, sit down with your legs crisscross or saddle position. You can set your clock for 5min just in case. This should go by really fast.

Stretching 10min
Seated straddle 2min
Forward fold 2min
Twisted cross 2min per side
Puppy dog 2min

Nutrition journal
Don’t forget to enter your intake for the day. Practice mindful eating (slow down) and portion control (follow the hand measurements guidelines if needed)

RONIN challenge starts tomorrow (Friday April 24th) for 21 days. All of you are invited to participate. All you have to do is complete all the workouts, daily tasks, meditate, stretch, read, learn something new, track your nutrition intake and practice any form of art. The Bushido is the way of the warrior, the way of life of the Samurai. All of you can do it, all it takes is some commitment and desire to be better. Obviously, the goal is not to make anyone a Samurai but the idea is to use some of their ways and discipline to improve our fitness and mental health. The challenge is free to participate but there’s also an optional tshirt if you want. The tshirt is 40$+tx. We won’t be doing the order until the challenge is complete and we know who completed it (unlike the BERSERKER challenge). Since we can’t have a signup sheet at the gym, just sent us an email if you’re in, if you want the t-shirt and size. This challenge comes with a logbook to keep track of everything you need to do. You can print a physical copy or use the fillable PDF that we’ll be sending by email shortly. We’ll also share the logbook on the Facebook community group. Many of you have confirmed doing this, it’s going to be epic. Commit to it, do all the daily challenges and workouts, you’ll definitely get results. Worst case, do what you can and you’ll still get a lot out of it. The thing is, in order to be a true Pyro Ronin, you need to complete everything. BOOM!

Handstand walk practice 10min



For time:

Ground to overhead

Note: Use whatever you’ve got for the ground to overhead. Dumbbell, dual dumbbells (double dumbbells snatch anyone?), kettlebells, barbell, sandbag. Aim for something approximately 50lbs for men, 23 for women. Any style ground to overhead. Clean and jerk, snatch, or a mix of both.

Pyro weightlifting W3D2
Snatch balance
*light and snappy

Power snatch
*build up

*build up

Note: This is not a PR day. Keep it under your max. Know when to call it, don’t be a hero

Accessory work
Front planche hold 1min

Hollow rock hold 1min

Saddle eagle 1min per side
Saddle archer 1min per side
Squat hold 1min
Standing straddle 1min

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