RONIN challenge teaser and briefing

Join us online on ZOOM at 12pm, 4pm and 5pm to get the full scoop on the RONIN challenge. During this meeting, we’ll go over everything about the nutrition journal and guidelines, the meditation, maintenance/mobility, the workouts and everything else. Today’s workout is to give everyone an idea of what the daily challenges will be.

1 mile run/walk

Note: This has to be done on your own, before or after the workout.

30 snatch PVC pipe

Technique and mechanic focus


10min AMRAP

30 squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups or any pulling movements

Note: Just like the daily tasks for the RONIN challenge starting Friday April 24th. The challenge requires only 1 round per day but you get to pick whatever you’d like. Squats can be goblet squats, pistols, overhead squats, basically any type of squats. Same for the push ups, any type of a push movement. The same goes for the pull ups, any pull movement. For today’s workout, we’ll do it in an AMRAP for 10min. Everyone will have different version of the workout. You should still aim to get around 5-6 rounds.

2min frog
2min seated straddle
2min saddle

Pyro weightlifting W3D1
Snatch drop 5×3

Snatch complex
5 sets
1 snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat
1 snatch balance

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets
1 clean
1 front squat
1 push jerk
1 split jerk

Accessory work
30 hollow rock

Front planche hold 1min

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