Strict pull ups
5 sets of max reps, rest as needed between sets

Note: Use whatever you’ve got for your pull up bar


**At home edition**

For time:

21 turkish get ups right arm
50 goblet squats
21 overhead squats left arm
50 goblet squats
21 overhead squats right arm
50 goblet squats
21 turkish get ups left arm

Note: Use a dumbbell, a kettlebell or anything you can find. Aim for something around 50/35lbs. As prescribed, this workout is performed with a 70/53 kettlebell and the goblet squats are kettlebell swings. If you have a kettlebell, go for it. This workout is also one of the 100 hero workouts for the Pyro Legendary Firebreather badge.

Time intent: 20-25min

Los Angeles County Fire Fighter Specialist Arnaldo “Arnie” Quinones, 34, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, August 30, 2009 during the Station Fire. His emergency response vehicle went over the side of the road and fell 800 feet into a steep canyon during fire suppression activities protecting Camp 16 outside the City of Palmdale, CA. He is survived by his wife Lori and daughter Sophia Grace, born three weeks after his death.

Accessory work
Glute ham raises 5×8
Note: Use a partner or just lock your feet under something

Take a break, come on

Half saddle 2min per side
Saddle 2min
Thread the needle 2min per side
Puppy dog 2min

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