Tabata pull ups
Tabata dips
Tabata hollow rock
Tabata double unders or jumping jacks

Note: For the pull ups, use any pulling movement. Rings, TRX, under a table pull, a towel around something, be creative. You can even do a pendlay row. For the dips, use 2 chairs, a counter corner and just like the pull ups, be creative. The key here is to get a different push than the push ups, change the angle to push down. It’s because you don’t have equipment that you can’t do it, imagination is the limit

A tabata is 8 cycles of 20sec of work and 10sec rest. Your score is your total reps for all tabatas combined


5 rounds for time:

10 split cleans (touch the ground)
10 single leg broad jumps
5 pike push ups

Immediately into max handstand hold

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