Warm up
2min static jog
Head to toe general ROM
3 rounds of the workout with lighter loads and modified rep scheme (Just do 4 of each and EZ pace)


15min AMRAP

6 ground to overhead
9 squats
12 lateral shuttle runs 10ft

Note: For the ground to overhead and the squats, pick whatever object you can find. Something around 50/35lbs. For the squats, keep the weight at chest height or on your back. For the shuttle runs, just set yourself 2 lines 10ft apart. Just

Pyro weightlifting

Burgener warm up
PVC pipe snatch grip sot press 5×5

PVC pipe split jerks
Note: We call this deliberate practice. Treat each rep like a one rep max

For time:


60 broomstick squat snatch

Note: Each rep starts below the knees, you must go through full hip extensions then full squat. The movement finish with broomstick locked overhead with knees, hips and shoulders all in line. Tight core and make sure you put tension on the bar when overhead

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