Berserker challenge
Week 6


According to Norse mythology, Balder started to have prophetic dreams about his death. This caused his mother Frigg great concern, so she procured an oath for everything in the Norse universe that it would never hurt, or assist in hurting, her son. Balder’s invincibility was a source of great amusement to the other gods, who started using him as target practice for throwing knives and shooting arrows, watching them bounce off him harmlessly.

Jealous or Balder, the trickster god Loki disguised himself as an old woman in order to speak to Frigg and see if Balder had any weaknesses. Frigg revealed that she had failed to secure an oath from the plant mistletoe, which was young and innocent and posed no threat to her son.

Loki immediately fashioned a dart from a twig of mistletoe. He then joined the gods, who were entertaining themselves by throwing things at Balder, and asked Balder’s blind brother Hodr why he did not join in the game. Hodr explained that he could not see Balder, and also had nothing to throw. Loki pretended to help Hodr, giving him the mistletoe dart and guiding his hand. When the dart struck Balder it slew him immediately, throwing the gods into confusion.

Not willing to accept the death of the most beloved of the gods, Hermod, yet another son of Odin, was sent to the underworld to speak with the goddess Hel and ask if Balder could be returned to them. After much convincing Hel in fact agreed, on the condition that everything both alive and dead weep for Balder, providing that he was universally loved. Everything in the world did indeed weep for Balder, except for one witch Thokk, who refused to shed a tear. Most accounts suggest that this was Loki in disguise, thwarting the plan to return Balder.

For time:

1 mile run
30 deadlifts @ 50% of 1RM
10 rope climbs
1 ring muscle up

Note: You can substitute the ring muscle up for 5 bar muscle ups.

Pyro weightlifting

Snatch balance

Hip snatch

Note: Technique focus

Snatch complex

5 sets, build to max

1 snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry x3

5 sets
30 double unders
10 burpees

Front planche hold 1min

3 sets
15 GHD sit ups
15 hip extensions


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