Pyromania V registration is going full swing. Get your team together and sign up asap. Teams of 4, (M,M,F,F), Fitness (scaled) and Firebreathers (Rx) divisions. At least 8 scored events. We have multiple outside venues planned and you will be tested in all aspects of fitness. We have a stadium at Shouldice park for day one. Pool for day two and a massive hill for day 3. Plus add all the workouts at Pyro. It’s gonna be epic. 350$ per team. Register here:

There are no excuses, just do it!! BOOM!



10min EMOM
1 strict toes to bar
2 around the world
3 kipping toes to bar

6min AMRAP

4 rope pull ups
6 pistols
8 V-ups

Pyro weightlifting

Overhead squats

5 sets
1 snatch
3 positions snatch (low hang, hang, high hang)

Snatch complex
5 sets

1 snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Note: Make sure to train below your maxes. Focus on technique and good position



20min AMRAP

For time:
60 double unders
20 deadlifts 155/105
60 double unders
20 hang power cleans 155/105
60 double unders
20 front squats 155/105
60 double unders
20 bar facing burpees
60 double unders
20 handstand push ups
60 double unders
20 ring muscle ups

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