
10min EMOM alt min

1 rope climb
2 handstand push ups

Note: make each movement as challenging as you can for you. If rope climbs are too easy, go legless, no jump or L-sit for example. Handstand push ups can be deficit on plates or paralettes. Same applies if movements are too hard. Scale and modify for YOUR hard

5 rounds for quality:

5 pull ups
10 pistols
15 V-ups

Note: Make pull ups as hard as you can for you. Strict, chest to bar or even go strict chest to bar. False grip ring pull ups would be a great alternative as well.

Pyro weightlifting

Muscle snatch

Focus on the pull and a solid turnover

Overhead squats

Focus on position and stability. Use your heaviest muscle snatch weight from today and go from the ground

Pause snatch
7 sets

3sec pause low hang (below the knees)
3sec pause hang (above knees)

Build up the weight but focus on technique and good positioning at each pause


For time:

2k row


10 complex of:
1 deadlift 95/65
2 hang squat cleans 95/65
3 front squats 95/65
2 shoulder to overhead 95/65
1 thruster 95/65


1 mile run

Note: BOOM!

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