

The bar and ring muscle ups

Note: Muscle ups are a skill. You might be far away from it but don’t let that stop you for working on it. All about skills transfer

10min EMOM alt min

1-2 rope climb or pegboards ascents
8 pistols

Note: Alternate each movement every minute. *Do not perform both in the same minute*

For time:

50 burpee pull ups

Note: For added challenge, perform chest to bar pull ups. If you can’t do a pull ups (yet!), perform a jumping pull up coming out of your burpees.


5 sets

Snatch complex

1 snatch pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch balance
2 overhead squats

5 sets

Clean and jerk complex

1 clean pull
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
2 jerks

Note: Both complexes are meant to be lighter. Work on good position and technique. If you can’t or are not comfortable reracking the bar behind the neck for the snatch balance, perform 3 overhead squats instead.


5 rounds for time:

400m run
15 box jumps overs 24/20
10 dumbbells squats 50/35
5 devils press 50/35

Note: BOoM!

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