For fun:
Back squats @75% of 1RM
Strict handstand push ups
Note: Try to perform your back squat sets in the least amount of breaks. If you can perform 10 strict handstand push ups unbroken, go with a strict deficit. Same applies the other way, if you can’t perform strict handstand push up, go with feet on the box or reduce the range of motion.
Pyro weightlifting
Clean and jerk complex
5 sets
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 shoulder to overhead
Clean pulls@ 110% of 1RM
Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry 3x
Tabata cals bike
Hip power cleans 5×5
20 ring dips
40 GHD sit ups
30min AMRAP
1 hill run
3 power snatch 135/95
6 overhead squats 135/95
3 bar muscle ups
1 hill run
3 power snatch 75/55
6 overhead squats 75/55
3 pull ups
Note: No bar muscle ups, no problem. You can still use the Rx weight and substitute the muscle ups for chest to bar pull ups. Pick a movement challenging for you