Each for time:

250m swim

Rest 3min

250m swim

Rest 3min

250m swim

Note: Record each 250m separate. We’ll do this again but with 2min rest, then 1min rest and no rest. There will be some interval sprints in between as well. Goal is to build up speed and endurance

Individual or teams of 2

19min AMRAP

21 cals row
15 thrusters 95/65
9 bar facing burpees

Note: You can perform this workout individual or as a team of 2 where you alternate each rounds. Doing this as a team changes the format dramatically. Individual is more about pacing and aerobic capacity. In teams, the intervals will allow for more intensity and turn into an anaerobic capacity. Both versions are good in their own right, just more fun as a team. Male/male, female/female or male/female can team. If opposite sex, just use 2 bars


May the 4th be with you

Accumulate 1min of each:

One hand handstand
L-sit hold
Front planche hold


3 rounds for time:

3 forward roll
4 wall climb
5 strict chest to bar pull ups
6 pistols


5 sets

3 hang squat snatch
2 overhead squats
1 snatch balance

5 sets

3 hang squat clean
2 front squats
1 push jerk

Note: Technique focus and good form



5 rounds for time:

400m sandbag run 70/50
100ft sandbag walking lunges (25ft x4) 70/50
6 sandbag manmaker 70/50
2 rope climbs


10min EMOM

3 power snatch @50% of 1RM
3 toes to bar

Note: Both movements done in the minute


For time:


Deadlifts @50% of 1RM
Deficit handstand push ups 6/4

For time:


Deadlifts @50% of 1RM
Hand release push ups

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Arnold press 3×10

Hip snatch 3×5

30 pistols

Accumulate 1min of L-sit hold


Squat cycle week 5 day 2

6 sets

3 front squats
6 back squats

*Bar at 72% of 1RM front squat


10 rounds for time:

1 strict ring muscle up
30 double unders


10 rounds for time:

1 strict pull up
30 single unders

Note: For the muscle up/pull up rep, pick a movement challenging for you. It could be kipping ring muscle up, bar muscle up, strict chest to bar pull up. Again, whatever is challenging for you.

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Crossover symmetry 3 movements

5 sets
3 Hip clean + 3 split jerks

5 sets
5-10 ring support swing

30 med ball GHD situps

Kick start your journey to health and fitness at CrossFit Pyro this May. The starter package gives you everything you need to start with a solid foundation. In between fundamental learning session, you also get access to our Lite/beginners classes to ease you into it. We welcome all fitness level and no experience necessary. All classes will be at 7pm.
Thursday May 2nd: Intro to CrossFit
Tuesday May 7th: 9 fundamental movements
Tuesday May 14th: Olympic lifts (snatch, clean and jerk)
Tuesday May 21st: Gymnastics
Tuesday May 28th: Full class with a workout that ties in everything you just learned from the fundamentals.
Our fundamentals are very throughout and detailed. Tons of information shared during that timeframe.
For more information or to register, contact us by email at crossfitpyro@gmail.com




10min EMOM alt min

2 rope climbs
25ft handstand walk

Note: Challenge yourself, legless rope climbs or add obstacles for the handstand walk if necessary


20min AMRAP

14/10 cals row or bike
10 shuttle runs 25ft
4 bear crawls 25ft

Note: Everybody will Rx this, BOOM!!

Accessory work
Shoulders of steel
Lateral dumbbell shoulder raises 3×10

5 sets
3 snatch balance + 3 sot presses

15 L-sit pull ups

Accumulate 1min of:
Side plank right
Side plank left
*In that order

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