For time:
5k run or 5k row


For time:
75 burpees or 75 wall balls 20/14


For time:
75 burpees
75 wall balls 20/14


For time:
5k row
75 burpees
75 wall balls 20/14

Note: Many options, you must get one done this week and post on the board


Back squats

Note: Aim for 5-10lbs heavier than last week’s 4RM


3 rounds for time:

15 handstand push ups
15 front squats 135/95

Accessory work
Shoulder of steel
Dumbbell lateral raises 3×10

Barbell cycling

Every 1:40 for 5 sets
6 power snatch 135/95

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

5 sets
1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats

3 sets
1 strict pull ups
2 kipping pull ups
3 butterfly pull ups

Russian twists
3×15 with a plate or med ball

Teams of 2

“Festivus Games April”

Wod 2 “Jump’n, trust’n and skip’n

10min AMRAP

1 box jump 20inch for all
1 thruster 95/65
2 box jumps
2 thrusters
3 box jumps
3 thrusters

35 double unders or 50 single unders (Both athletes must do the same, one athlete at a time)

4 box jumps
4 thrusters
5 box jumps
5 thrusters
6 box jumps
6 thrusters

35 double unders or 50 single unders

Continue adding reps in this pattern until you run out of time. Both athletes must complete each rounds before switching. Athlete one perform 1 box jump and 1 thruster, then tag the partner, Partner 2 perform 1 box jump and 1 thruster and so on.
Score is total reps of box jumps and thrusters. *Double unders and single unders DO NOT count towards your score

15min rest

WOD 3 “I’d rather work than rest”

8min AMRAP

27 cals row
21 alternating dumbbell snatch 50/35
15 hand release push ups
9 alternating dumbbell squat cleans 50/35

Note: 1 athlete works at a time. The non-active athlete holds a “front leaning rest” FLR position (i.e., a high plank).

On 3-2-1-Go athlete 1 starts rowing. Athlete 2 holds the FLR while athlete 1 works. Once athlete 1 achieves 27 calories on the rower, the athletes tag hands and switch. Athlete 2 completes 27 calories, starting from whatever the row monitor says after athlete 1 rows, while athlete 1 holds the FLR. This pattern continues for the remainder of the movements.

The athlete who is not active must hold a FLR. If any part of the body other than the hands and toes (or knees for Novice women) are on the ground during the FLR the judge will tell the active athlete to stop. This order must be followed if that happens: 1). Active athlete stops, 2). Non-active athlete resumes a proper FLR, 3). Active athlete waits for judge to say “Go” to continue. Athletes must tag hands each time the non-active athlete is about to become the active.

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