Since 2016, we’ve been doing a vote for the CrossFit Pyro athlete of the year. This person should be someone that represents the Pyro values (Honor, dignity, loyalty, teamwork, integrity, respect, disciple and determination) works hard, has an incredible work ethic, a positive attitude and someone that inspire you. In the past, we had Coach Scott Regier for 2016 and Jenn Boss for 2017. Both have became coaches at Pyro. The fact that they became coach has probably little to do with being the athlete of the year but it does show that the athlete of the year has the potential and the attributes to be coach.

The athlete of the year get his/her name on the plaque by the whiteboard and gets to design his/her own workout for us to do.

The box and ballots for voting are by the whiteboard. You CANNOT vote for a coach. Even if they have all it takes to be the athlete of the year, coaches are out. If you do vote for a coach, the votes will be taken out. We will do the announcement Sunday January 6th. Make sure to put your votes in.


Back squats

Note: Build to max


For time:

15 pull ups
50ft handstand walk
15 chest to bar pull ups
50ft handstand walk
15 bar muscle ups
50ft handstand walk

*Handstand walk are 25ft with must be 5ft increments

Target intent: 10min

Note: This is an advanced workout, scale accordingly. Pull ups/muscle ups can be ring rows or jumping pull ups. Handstand walk can inverted hand releases, around the world or bear crawls. Those are just options and not limited to

Accessory work
Shoulder of steel
Kettlebell press 3×10

30 barbell or very light weight hip cleans

L-sit hold 3xmax

15 strict toes to bar

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