Weightlifting clinics are Monday December 3rd and Monday December 10th. 7 to 9pm. Lead by coach Antonio and coach Helen. Fresh from the latest weightlifting course. December 3rd will focus on the snatch while December 10th will be on the clean and jerk. Both clinics are on the Rhinofit calendar for you to register. Admission is free to all unlimited memberships, 25$ per sessions for non members and punch card holder. Both clinics are for beginners and experienced athletes, all skill level welcome. In fact the less experienced you are, the more you should come. We will also take this opportunity to cover all the basics so this will be our weightlifting fundamentals as well. We capped the clinics at 20 to keep it manageable and allow better coaching.

The gymnastics clinic, lead by John Wilkinson is Thursday December 13th also 7 to 9pm. For those that don’t know John, he usually come during the day and is a national level gymnast with an incredible background in coaching. His experience and knowledge will greatly benefit all of us. Come and learn from the best

Here’s a rough outline of the session but not limited to:
Hollow/arch shape
How to spot
Beat swing/kipping
Pull ups
Kipping pull ups
Butterfly pull ups
Toes to bar
Push ups
Handstand push ups
Kipping handstand push ups
Rope climbs
Bar muscle ups
Ring muscle ups

Depending on attendance and the flow we might add or remove some components. Lots of hands on time and learning guaranteed. The gymnastics clinic is also on Rhinofit for you to register. Capped at 20 spots. Free to all unlimited members, 25$ for non members and punch card holder

This is going to be super fun and we hope to see many of you.

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