Wodapalooza team qualifier workout 9

4 rounds for reps:

3min AMRAP

60 double unders
16 dumbbells box step overs 24/20 50/35
Max bar facing burpees

1min rest between

Score is total burpees for all 4 rounds combined

Intermediate: 35/20 for dumbells
Lite/beginners: Single unders, step ups (no dumbells)

Weightlifting W3D2

5 sets
1 power clean + 2 jerks

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk
4×3 (drops allowed)

Back squats
5×1 5sec pause at bottom

Accessory work

Shoulder of steel
Arnold press 3×10

Weightlifting (barbell cycling)
Hang power clean and jerk (barbell only) 3×10

Negative strict handstand push ups 5sec down then explode up

GHD situps
3×15 each set as fast as possible
30sec rest between sets

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