
Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.

If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb.

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
11 squat cleans, 225 / 145 lb.

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
9 squat cleans, 275 / 175 lb.

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
7 squat cleans, 315 / 205 lb.

Stop at 20 minutes.

Knee raises
Single unders
Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95 155/115 185/135

Note: BOOM!

Pyro at the MEC sprint triathlon, Sat August 18th

Pyro at the Mount Pleasant community pool, Tues August 21st from 8pm to 10pm

Pyro Oly Lift meet, Sat August 25th

The Festivus Games at CrossFit Pyro is back Saturday October 13th, same sex novice and intermediate friendly competition. All the info, price, workouts and registration at the link below:

Host Landing Page

Find your partner and sign up today!!


E2M12M (6sets)
1 power snatch
1 snatch balance

Note: Build to max. You can setup 2 bars if you can’t perform the snatch balance after the power snatch, one on the ground for the power snatch, one on a rack. Reracking the bar behind the neck is tricky, if not comfortable, again use a rack or keep it light


7 rounds for time:

7 ring push ups
14 dumbbells snatch 50/35

Scale option:

5 rounds (keep the volume down)

7 push ups
14 dumbell snatch 35/25

Weightlifting W2D1

5 sets
3 positions snatch (high hang, hang, ground)

Note: build to max

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Note: reps are touch and go, no drops and no regrip on the ground

Front squats

*5sec pause at the bottom

Floater 1
2018 CrossFit Games
“Two stroke pull”
5 rds for time:
300m run
15/12 cals bike
44ft sled pulls weight TBD

Floater 2
2018 CrossFit Games
“Madison Triplus”
For time:
500m swim
1000m paddle (floating plank, just use arms)
2000m run

Acc work
Back Squat

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat 4×10 (Each leg)

Back Extension Holds 4×45 seconds
(Hold yourself at the top of the back extension for the allotted period of time, squeezing the glutes, hamstring and core)

Kneeling DB Shoulder Press 4×10 (Superset with band pull parts 4×15)

10 Minute Skill Work: Inverted Work (Kicking to the wall, HSPU, Conan Drill, Handstand Walk)


Shoulder Press

Weighted Pullups 4×8

L-Sit Holds 4×20 seconds (Hanging or Parallettes)

Good Mornings 4×20 (Keep it light. This is meant for your glutes and hamstrings. Your lower back should not be taking the load. Brace core and hip hinge to just before midline breaks and then stand up using glutes and hamstrings)

20 MU for time (Ring or Bar. A good scale option is some type of pullup or muscle up transition)


Bent-over KB Rows 4×15 (Both arms at the same time)
Deadbugs with hands on the wall 4×15 (Lie on your back about a foot from the wall and place your hands behind you on the wall. Focus on keeping the core engaged and alternating legs. This takes the coordination part out and allows us to really focus on core stability and control)

Glute Ham Raises on the GHD 4×15 (These are not back extensions. Google the difference or ask a coach in class)

10 Minute Skill Work: Handstand walks (This can include scales as well. If you have your handstand walk, challenge yourself with walking over plates or around obstacles)

Photo by Leonora Andre Photography

Classes at 9 and 10am, open gym at 11am until 12pm

**PYRO FUNDAMENTALS, Tuesday August 7th at 7 to 8pm. There will be no classes at that time, only fundamentals. New, trials and current members welcome. We strongly encourage you to take our fundamentals, this will start you in the right direction, avoid injuries and will accelerate your progress. We can’t possibly cover all the basics in the regular class, that’s why we have fundamentals. If you’ve been with us for a while and are not sure how to squat, deadlift, snatch, clean and jerk, pull ups, kicking to a handstand, do rope climbs, how to scale, what to do if injured or have physical limitations, you must take our fundamentals. Sign up on Rhinofit, see you there**

MEC sprint triathlon is Saturday August 18th, a few of us are signed up and ready to crush it, you should do the same

Pyro reserved the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool for Tuesday August 21st from 8pm to 10pm, this is for everyone, bring your family, friends and kids, we’ll have the BBQ setup and bring your favourite dish. No fees, Pyro takes care of it, because…you guys are awesome!

The Pyro meet is happening Saturday August 25th, 25$, all proceeds go to the “Save the 10s foundation”, weight classes, Judges, brand new lifting platform just for that event, videographer to do slow mo videos of our lifts, full rule book incoming.
Weight classes as follow:
• Men: 140/170/200/230/231+
• Women: 110/130/150/170/171+

Note: The more that sign up, the more gear we get. Sign up now!

Team workout
Partner up

On a 30min running clock:
7 rep max Bench press

Partner 1:
5 dumbbells burpees 50/35
5 dumbbells hang squat cleans 50/35
5 dumbbells shoulder to overhead 50/35

Partner 2:
150m dash (75m towards the hill and back)

*Partners must switch after each run, continue where left off*

Score is total reps of the dumbbells movements

Coach note: This might be effectively brutal…and awesome!

Pyromania III preview video by Rory Siddall videography

Friendly reminder: CrossFit Pyro booked the Mount Pleasant pool Tuesday August 21st from 8 to 10pm, everybody welcome, friends, family and kids, free of charge, just bring your favourite dish for the potluck. We’ll have a BBQ and fun games for everyone. There will be no classes at 7 and 8 on that day, you’ll be able to sign in for the pool event on RhinoFit. Hope to see you all there

“FIBONACCI” reasonable edition

For time:

Deficit handstand push ups 8/4
Deadlifts 315/225


Double kettlebells overhead lunges 60ft 53/35

Hey Pyromanians, here’s a few things happening in the near future. Mark your calendar. There’s no lack of challenges and goals to achieve, there’s something for everyone. We’re doing our best to offer constantly varied fun for everyone

Saturday August 18th, MEC sprint triathlon (Challenge yourself, let’s do this)**Legendary Firebreather requirement**
Tuesday August 21st, 8pm to 10pm, Mount pleasant community pool summer party (Friends, Family and kids super welcome)
Saturday August 25th, Pyro olympic lifting meet, 25$, sign up on RhinoFit is live (Everybody should do this, the more that sign up, the more gear we get)

Saturday September 8th, Rocky Mountain Crusher, Team of 4, 2 girls and 2 guys, super friendly run/wod competition at the Canmore nordic centre, self judged
Saturday September 15th, 2018 Beer Mile (Can anybody beat Kyle S time?)
Thursday September 19th, The CrossFit Games Team Series, Team of 2, same sex, 2 weeks, 4 workouts, scaled and Rx online competition, similar to the Open
Saturday September 22nd, CrossFit Calgary Attollo cup, team of 2, same sex, scaled and Rx one day competition

Saturday October 6th, Battle Royale II
Saturday October 27th, CrossFit Pyro 2nd year anniversary party!!!

Rogue Liftoff, Max snatch, Max clean and jerk and a workout

Pyro Holiday party

CrossFit Games edition


Pull ups
Kipping pull ups
Butterfly pull ups
Bar muscle ups
Ring muscle ups


For time:

30 muscle ups

Note: Bar or rings. Scale to pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, jumping muscle ups, banded pull ups. Pick something challenging for you



For max total load:
1-rep-max back squat
1-rep-max shoulder press
1-rep-max deadlift

3 attempts at each lift in each 4-minute window.

Athletes will have a 4-minute window to perform each lift. Within that window the athlete may make up to 3 attempts. The athlete’s score will be the combined total of his or her heaviest successful lift at each station.

Time cap: 12 minutes total



For time:
150ft kettlebells carry 70/53×2
2 rope climbs
400m hill run
Pyro obstacle course
400m hill run
2 rope climbs
150ft kettlebells carry 70/53×2

Men wear 20lbs vest
Women wear 14lbs vest

For time:

500m row
20 walking lunges
40 dumbell snatch 50/35
20 walking lunges
40 burpees
20 walking lunges
40 GHD situps
20 walking lunges
40 kettlebell swings 53/35
20 walking lunges
500m row

Pyro Olympic Lifting Meet weight classes:
• Men: 140/170/200/230/231+
• Women: 110/130/150/170/171+

Here’s how to sign up:
Go on the CrossFit Pyro website, open the schedule tab, go to August 25th, click Pyro Olympic Lifting meet, complete your registration. You don’t need to be a member to sign up.
Here’s the link:



“Girls Gone Wild”

Thrusters (95/65#)

Deadlifts (225/155#)
Handstand Push-ups

Squat Snatch (135/95#)

*Athletes can set up 3 different barbells, or have someone else change their weights*

Can you go sub 3:00 (Fran), 4:00 (Diane), and 5:00 (Amanda)? If so, @nobullproject is going to deck you out head-to-toe: runners, shorts, sports bra and top for the ladies and runners, shorts, tank and t-shirt for the guys. Send videos, sizes, and mailing address to athlete@comptrain.co by Monday, August 5.

Score is time if finished, otherwise reps completed. Fran and Diane are basically a 4min AMRAP and Amanda is to the finish. Have fun with this, challenge yourself and scale accordingly.

Coach note: Doing anything after Fran is usually unpleasant, just so you know haha

Weightlifting W1D2

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets

1 clean pull
1 low hang squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 push press

Note: Build to max

2 positions clean pulls (aim for the same or above weight you finished with at the complex)

Low hang

Clean pull

Note: Hold 3 sec at each positions and then explode to triple extension and let the bar ride

Back squat

5sec pause at the bottom

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