2018 Pyro Olympic Lifting meet

Doors open at 0930, Liftoff at 1000. We should be done by 2pm

Weight classes:
• Men: 140/170/200/230/231+
• Women: 110/130/150/170/171+

Here’s a quick breakdown:

There will be a weigh in before the liftoff
You have 6 lifts
You must choose an opener weight for the snatch
3 snatch
You must choose an opener weight for the clean and jerk
3 clean and jerk
30 seconds per attempts
You have 9 attempts total so that means that if you miss a lift in the 30 seconds window, you can try again
You must wait for the judge signal before dropping the weight to confirm the lift
Score is max weight on the snatch, clean and jerk and total

See attached picture for the all the rules of the event

This is meant to be a fun event and provide a different experience and style of lifting. Please don’t take this too seriously (that being said, singlets are more than welcome), the event is for everyone, EVERYONE!!! regardless of your experience in weightlifting. Any style acceptable, muscle snatch, power snatch, squat snatch, split snatch and same thing for the clean, shoulder press, push press, push press or split jerk are all valid lifts. This is not about you versus others, this is about you doing your best. From all things, this is just like any other weightlifting days at Pyro, only the setting changes.

The Pyro lifting meet is tomorrow, Saturday August 25th. Doors open at 0930, we’ll be lifting around 10am and should be done by 2pm. We can’t wait to see what you guys will hit for PRs. If for whatever reason you will not be lifting, come and cheer the athletes. See you then!


For time:

Buy in: 20/14 cals bike

60 cals row
50 toes to bar
40 deadlifts 225/115
30 toes to bar
20 deadlifts 315/225
10 toes to bar

Buy out: 20/14 cals bike



The Pyro meet is 2 days away. Let’s hit some PRs and have fun. Remember that this is for all of us, everyone can do this. Put your ego in the garbage, show up, lifts and become better. Simple, absolutely no excuses for not participating. This is not about you versus other, this is you against you. Let’s do this


E2M10M (5 sets)

3 back squats
15sec L-sit hold (on 45lbs plates)

Note: Back squat weight is fixed. Build up to a heavy load in your warm up that you can hit for 3 reps and still have time for the L-sit. Aim for about 75% of your 1RM. Ideally you want to do the 3 reps unbroken. The L-sit can be broken up, just accumulate 15sec. This might get interesting very fast


6min AMRAP

6 box jumps 24/20
6 dumbbells shoulder to overhead 50/35
6 chest to bar pull ups



Clean and jerk

Note: Keep it light and snappy. Technique focus, build confidence for Saturday. You should be able to hit your openers for both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.

CrossFit Pyro Olympic Lifting Meet is Saturday August 25th from 10 to 2pm, doors open at 0930 for warm up. This is for absolutely everyone, regardless of your skill level. Any style snatch or clean jerk will be accepted. This is about you testing where you’re at, NOT you compare to others. Treat this day like a benchmark day. This is a completely different setting that the usual lifting day so that’s why it’s good to do. Only 25$ and all proceeds goes towards getting more lifting gear, it’s a win win situation, you compete to get better and you get more gear to train get even better. There will be no classes on Saturday, it’s all about the meet. If you’re not competing, you should at least swing by to cheer on the athletes. If you come to cheer on the athletes, you might as well gear up and do a couple lifts!! If it comes down to the 25$, don’t worry about it, we’ll figure something out. In the end we want as many people as possible participating, don’t let the price tag stop you. We know there’s a lot of stuff going on, many competitions to come, gears to buy and others so basically any donations will work.

See you all Saturday!!


CrossFit Games Open 13.1

17min AMRAP

40 burpees
30 snatch 75/45
30 burpees
30 snatch 135/75
20 burpees
30 snatch 165/100
10 burpees
Max reps snatch 210/120

men: 45/75/100/120
Women: 35/55/75/90

Mount Pleasant outdoor pool Pyro community party is tonight from 8 to 10pm. Bring your favorite dish or dessert. Friends, family and kids more than welcome. There is a BBQ on site and we’ll have hot dogs. We’ll also bring spikeball and other games. Don’t forget your swimming suit and to clarify, no alcohol allowed, unfortunately. Maybe, we could all go for drinks afterwards? Pyro covered the fee for the rental so it’s on us. Just come and enjoy!

Pyro lifting meet is this Saturday, registrations are starting to come in but we can definitely do better. We’re not sure if the message didn’t go across but either way, you will still be able register the day off the event. Only 25$. Lifting is awesome, it’s a friendly competition so you get to be better from it, it’s gonna be all of us from Pyro, all proceeds goes directly towards buying more gear so…absolutely zero reasons not to sign up. If you’re on the fence, already 10 are confirmed with many said they would be in, we just need to get the registrations in. Here’s a quick breakdown of what to expect:

  • New Lifting platform just for the event
  • This is a judged event
  • 3 snatch and 3 clean and jerks
  • Weight classes
  • Dedicated warm up area
  • No experience necessary
  • Here’s how to sign up. Go to the CrossFit Pyro website, schedule, click on the Pyro meet saturday, register and voila, 15sec and your set. You can also do this via your rhinofit app. Worst case scenario, just show up Saturday for 0930, bring 25$ and you’re in. We need 25 athletes, we can do this!!!


    Double unders/skipping

    For time:

    300 double unders (repeat from April 9th)

    For time:
    50 zeus single unders
    80 inverted alternating hand releases

    For time:
    50 zeus double unders
    80ft handstand walk

    For time:
    50 zeus double unders
    Handstand walk 20ft
    Handstand walk steps 20ft (10/25/45/25/10)
    Handstand walk 20ft
    Handstand walk steps 20ft (10/25/45/25/10)

    Note: For the Rx and Rx+, no increments required

    For time:
    50 zeus rope double unders
    Handstand walk slalom 20ft
    Handstand walk steps 20ft (10/25/45/25/10)
    Handstand walk ramp/steps (not the regionals setup, ramp to 4inches) 20ft
    Handstand walk steps/paralettes/steps 20ft

    Note: 20ft increments only

    Weightlifting W4D1

    Deload week, Testing is Saturday with the Pyro meet

    Burgener warm up

    Snatch, clean and jerk technique review


    Clean and jerk

    Note: Quick and snappy, No heavier than 80% of you max, keep it light, review technique, build some confidence with your lifts

    New lifting cycle starts next week, this is going to be a tied with the regular programming as well, more details on that later

Floater 1:
For time:
1 mile sled pull 145/100

Note: We should have straps build up by Monday afternoon to accommodate the awesomeness

*4 times to the mailbox*

Floater 2:
For time:
2 mile run

*Weight vest on, Pyro mile only*

Acc work

**Deload week for the 5-3-1 accessory. (This puts us through the same three exercises but reduces the weight. A good way to practice technique, mechanics and give the body a little rest)

Back Squat

200 meters of lunges with a weight vest

Strict Toes-to-Bar 4×10-15

Kneeling DB Arnold Press 4×15 (Keep light to maintain range of motion)

Handstand Pushup Complex x4
30 second hold
2 Strict HSPU
3 Kipping HSP
30 second hold

Shoulder Press

Romanian Deadlift 4×15

Ring Pullups 4×10

Barbell Pendlay Row 4×10

50 Double Unders
Max Strict Ring Dips


Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlift 4×15 (each leg)

Barbell Rollouts 4×15

Deadbugs 4×10

2 Peg Board Ascents
25ft Handstand Walk Obstacle Course (Setup: two 10s, two 25s, two 45s, two 25s, two 10s)

Join us Tuesday night, August 21st from 8 to 10 at the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool for a private Pyro party. Bring your favorite dish. We’ll have access to a BBQ and will have hot dogs. Family, friends and kids all welcome. There will be classes at 5/6 and 7 but NOT at 8 that night.

The Pyro Olympic Lifting meet is approaching fast, don’t forget to sign up on Rhinofit, only 25$ and all the proceeds go towards getting more gear for YOU. Let’s get 25 athletes register and Pyro will double up the investment and then some. All skills level welcome, everyone should do this, absolutely everyone. We compete to be better! Please try to sign up sooner than later so we can plan accordingly. The lifting platform should be ready mid week. Saturday August 25th from 10am to 2pm

Hotshot 19 memorial workout is Sunday August 26th, regular class times. **dust off your weight vest**


Front squats

Note: All set above 50% of your 1RM front squat, build up to your max for the day


10 rounds for time:

10 wall balls 24/20
10 shuttle runs 20ft

Note: Touch the ground across the line for each shuttle run

**Perform the workout Rx, under 10min and you get a Pyro sticker**

Mout pleasant pool party, Tuesday August 21st 8 to 10pm

Pyro meet Saturday August 26th, 10am to 2pm, 25$, register on Rhinofit. Let’s get those registrations in so we can plan ahead. No experience necessary, everybody should do this

Hotshot 19 memorial workout, Sunday August 26th, regular classes


2017 Event 2

Same sex team or mixed

For time:

120 double unders (each)
120 chest to bar pull ups (sets of 15)
120 hang power snatch 95/65 (sets of 15)
120 double unders (each)

Single unders
Jumping chest to bar pull ups
Hang power snatch 65/45

Note: The team series had a 15min timecap, for today’s workout, there is no timecap

**The team series starts September 18th, you can sign up right now at www.crossfitgames.com Team competitions are super fun, get you partner and sign up today!!!**



Pull up complex
5 sets
1 strict pull up
2 kipping pull ups
3 butterfly pull ups
1 bar muscle ups

Core complex
5 sets
1 strict toe to bar
2 kipping toes to bar
3 knees to elbows
1 pull over

5 rounds for time:

10 pistols
5 wall climbs

Weightlifting W3D3

Snatch complex
5 sets for load
1 power snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Clean and jerk complex
5 sets
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 jerk



For time:

800m run
15 clean and jerks 155/105
15 bar facing burpees
800m run
15 clean and jerks 155/105
15 bar facing burpees
800m run


Double overhand deficit deadlift

Note: touch and go, no drops

“Multiple options disorder”

5 rounds for time:

14/10 cals row
20 abmat situps

1min rest between rounds

5 rounds for time:

20/14 cals row
20 GHD sit ups

1min rest between rounds

5 rounds for time:

30/21 cals bike
30 GHD sit ups

1min rest between rounds

Note: We’ll do the math for you, the Legendary version has 150/105 cals bike and 150 GHD sit ups, just so you know

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