Mount Pleasant outdoor pool Pyro community party is tonight from 8 to 10pm. Bring your favorite dish or dessert. Friends, family and kids more than welcome. There is a BBQ on site and we’ll have hot dogs. We’ll also bring spikeball and other games. Don’t forget your swimming suit and to clarify, no alcohol allowed, unfortunately. Maybe, we could all go for drinks afterwards? Pyro covered the fee for the rental so it’s on us. Just come and enjoy!

Pyro lifting meet is this Saturday, registrations are starting to come in but we can definitely do better. We’re not sure if the message didn’t go across but either way, you will still be able register the day off the event. Only 25$. Lifting is awesome, it’s a friendly competition so you get to be better from it, it’s gonna be all of us from Pyro, all proceeds goes directly towards buying more gear so…absolutely zero reasons not to sign up. If you’re on the fence, already 10 are confirmed with many said they would be in, we just need to get the registrations in. Here’s a quick breakdown of what to expect:

    • New Lifting platform just for the event
    • This is a judged event
    • 3 snatch and 3 clean and jerks
    • Weight classes
    • Dedicated warm up area
    • No experience necessary

Here’s how to sign up. Go to the CrossFit Pyro website, schedule, click on the Pyro meet saturday, register and voila, 15sec and your set. You can also do this via your rhinofit app. Worst case scenario, just show up Saturday for 0930, bring 25$ and you’re in. We need 25 athletes, we can do this!!!


Double unders/skipping

For time:

300 double unders (repeat from April 9th)

For time:
50 zeus single unders
80 inverted alternating hand releases

For time:
50 zeus double unders
80ft handstand walk

For time:
50 zeus double unders
Handstand walk 20ft
Handstand walk steps 20ft (10/25/45/25/10)
Handstand walk 20ft
Handstand walk steps 20ft (10/25/45/25/10)

Note: For the Rx and Rx+, no increments required

For time:
50 zeus rope double unders
Handstand walk slalom 20ft
Handstand walk steps 20ft (10/25/45/25/10)
Handstand walk ramp/steps (not the regionals setup, ramp to 4inches) 20ft
Handstand walk steps/paralettes/steps 20ft

Note: 20ft increments only

Weightlifting W4D1

Deload week, Testing is Saturday with the Pyro meet

Burgener warm up

Snatch, clean and jerk technique review


Clean and jerk

Note: Quick and snappy, No heavier than 80% of you max, keep it light, review technique, build some confidence with your lifts

New lifting cycle starts next week, this is going to be a tied with the regular programming as well, more details on that later

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