Join us Tuesday night, August 21st from 8 to 10 at the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool for a private Pyro party. Bring your favorite dish. We’ll have access to a BBQ and will have hot dogs. Family, friends and kids all welcome. There will be classes at 5/6 and 7 but NOT at 8 that night.

The Pyro Olympic Lifting meet is approaching fast, don’t forget to sign up on Rhinofit, only 25$ and all the proceeds go towards getting more gear for YOU. Let’s get 25 athletes register and Pyro will double up the investment and then some. All skills level welcome, everyone should do this, absolutely everyone. We compete to be better! Please try to sign up sooner than later so we can plan accordingly. The lifting platform should be ready mid week. Saturday August 25th from 10am to 2pm

Hotshot 19 memorial workout is Sunday August 26th, regular class times. **dust off your weight vest**


Front squats

Note: All set above 50% of your 1RM front squat, build up to your max for the day


10 rounds for time:

10 wall balls 24/20
10 shuttle runs 20ft

Note: Touch the ground across the line for each shuttle run

**Perform the workout Rx, under 10min and you get a Pyro sticker**

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