Floater 1:
5 rounds for time:
1 peg board ascent
10 d-ball cleans 100/70
20 cals bike

Floater 2:
For time:
2k row
5k row
10k row
21.1k row
42.2k row

Note: Have fun with that!!

Acc work

Back Squat
1×95% (+)

Kettle-Bell Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squat 4×10 (Each leg) (Hold the KB in the front rack position with knuckles touching. Coach’s note: Enjoy)

Back Extension With 5 Second Pause at Top 4×10

Kneeling One-Arm Kettlebell Shoulder Press 4×15 (Bottoms up) (Focus on your shoulder stability over weight)

3 Ring MU
10 Pistols

Shoulder Press
1×95% (+)

Weighted Ring Pullups 4×8

GHD Complex: x3
15 Glute Ham Raises
15 Back Extension
15 Sit Ups

5 D-Ball Clean
10 HSPU (Find a scale that allows you to keep the volume)

1×95% (+)

Barbell Pendlay Rows 4×15

Barbell RDL 4×15

Barbell Rollouts 4×10 (Pause at full extension) (You may need to put bumper plates on so the bar rolls easier. Squeeze your core and butt when you rollout, if you don’t, you place your lower back in a hyperextended position. This is a good exercise for core stability and forces you to work on keeping the core engaged. This translates well to pause-exercises and endurance during metcons)

Handstand Complex x4
30 second hold
2 strict
3 kipping
30ft handstand walk
Rest 2 minutes
(A good scale for handstand walks is the Conan box drill or shoulder taps inverted on the wall. Substitutes for HS Walk: Conan drill = twice around the box. Shoulder taps = 20)


10min EMOM
1 peg board ascent
25ft handstand walk


4min AMRAP
5 strict handstand push ups
10 box jump overs 24/20

rest 2min

4min AMRAP
5 box jump overs 30/24
10 handstand push ups (kipping allowed)

Score is total reps for both AMRAPs combined

Weightlifting W3D1

1 week away from the Pyro meet. Build confidence in your lift. Aim for about 90 to 95% intensity

Warm up for a heavy single
Set your first weight
Then you only have 4 attempts to build up for your max
Keep each attempts in a 30sec timeframe

Clean and jerk
Warm up for a heavy single
Set your first weight
Then you only have 4 attempts to build up for your max
Keep each attempts in a 30sec timeframe

Note: This is to replicate the Pyro meet competition setting. You will have to choose your starter weight in advance. If successful, go up. If unsuccessful, you can stay at the same weight or go up

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