Pyro at the MEC sprint triathlon, Sat August 18th

Pyro at the Mount Pleasant community pool, Tues August 21st from 8pm to 10pm

Pyro Oly Lift meet, Sat August 25th

The Festivus Games at CrossFit Pyro is back Saturday October 13th, same sex novice and intermediate friendly competition. All the info, price, workouts and registration at the link below:

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E2M12M (6sets)
1 power snatch
1 snatch balance

Note: Build to max. You can setup 2 bars if you can’t perform the snatch balance after the power snatch, one on the ground for the power snatch, one on a rack. Reracking the bar behind the neck is tricky, if not comfortable, again use a rack or keep it light


7 rounds for time:

7 ring push ups
14 dumbbells snatch 50/35

Scale option:

5 rounds (keep the volume down)

7 push ups
14 dumbell snatch 35/25

Weightlifting W2D1

5 sets
3 positions snatch (high hang, hang, ground)

Note: build to max

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Note: reps are touch and go, no drops and no regrip on the ground

Front squats

*5sec pause at the bottom

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