6min AMRAP
21 zeus rope double unders (scale to singles)
15 squats
9 pull ups

2min rest

6min AMRAP
21 Kettlebell swings 53/35
15 goblet squats
9 push ups

Score is total reps for both AMRAPs together

Photo by Leonora Andre photography

Pyromania III was absolutely phenomenal. 3 offsite workouts, the tethered run in Confederation park, the row/swim/snatch workout at the Bowview pool, the parkour at Injanation, we had the obvious classic CrossFit workout but with a twist, burpees over the wall, single and double unders with the Zeus ropes, THE clean ladder (which was almost 3 hours long), it was something else. We’re so fortunate to have all of you taking part of it. Yes, the workouts were cool, the venues were unique, but in reality, what made Pyromania III so special is because of you!! That might sound cliche but it is what it is. Without you, this event would be nothing. Special thanks to Ryan and Sarah for helping with the scoring system, putting together the leaderboard, doing the scorekeeping, without these two, we would have lost our minds. They offered their help and went beyond the call of duty. Thanks to Katie for offering massages to the athletes. Dynamic YYC was onsite as well treating athletes. We had gym rats, Lifestyle sports and Trulocal demoing and offering samples of their products. Thanks to our coaches for not only competing but also for being available to judge and helping in general…and also for being incredible human beings. Many of you helped throughout the weekend, cleaning, moving the rowers to the pools, bringing them back, carrying equipment, opening the gym for us, getting coffee, food and everything in between. Your gestures didn’t go unnoticed, we will forever be grateful for it. Our community is truly special, we can’t say this enough. Again, thank you so much!!

This was our third Pyromania, it keeps evolving, we learn from it and we improve, our goal was and is to offer the most well rounded CrossFit challenge out there, FOR EVERYONE! Taking everything that makes CrossFit and cram it into a weekend of fitness. If any of you did something new, got a PR, got outside your comfort, got better or had fun, then it was a success. We believe we achieved that

PYROMANIA IV 2019, be ready

Pyromania III fitness festival is starting tonight. Event 1 is a run in beautiful confederation park. Meeting at 6pm, parking lot corner 30th avenue and 7th street NW. First heat starts at 6:40. We’re doing to heats of 20+ teams, this is going to be very intense. The best part is that the run will count towards a tie breaker too. We’ll need volunteers at the finish line to capture the times. This is going to be EPIC!!! This is our gym, our community, our time, our competition, if you want to be part of something amazing, come by at 6pm. We’ll need help around the track as well to direct the athletes. See you then

There are classes at 6am, 0930, 1030 open gym and last class for the day at noon. No classes at night. Also, there will be no classes this weekend. If you wanted to get your fitness in, you should have signed up for Pyromania (Just saying)


On a 16min running clock:

10min to find max clean and jerk


From 10 to 16min:

6 clean and jerk 135/95
6 burpees over the bar (not bar facing)

Your score is your heaviest clean and jerk plus your total reps for the AMRAP
Example: 225 clean and jerk and 6 rounds (72reps) in the AMRAP = 297

Note: Burpees are Open standards, feet together, no steps back and forward

1 day until PYROMANIA III

Tempo front squats
3sec down, 3sec up, from the rack

TABATA from another world

Tabata strict pull ups
Tabata cals bike
Tabata push ups
Tabata cals row

Weightlifting W5D2 (week 5 out of 6)

Tall clean

Hang clean


Note: Perform 3 cleans and on your last rep, 1 jerk

Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Back squat

**We made a mistake, Tuesday’s snatch were supposed to be 3s as well. Sorry but not sorry, more fitness haha

2 days until Pyromania!!!


8 rounds for time:

13 deadlifts 185/125
17 wall balls 20/14
400m run

In summer 2018, a rescue mission in the treacherous confines of a flooded Tham Luang cave complex in Thailand saved all 12 boys and their soccer coach who were trapped deep within. It ended a grueling, 18-day ordeal that claimed the life of an experienced volunteer diver, former Navy SEAL, Saman Kunan.

On Friday, July 6, 2018, Saman, 38, lost consciousness from a lack of oxygen on his way out of the Tham Luang cave complex after delivering supplies to the missing group.

Coaches at Crossfit Chiang Mai created this “Saman” hero WOD in his honor. The workout explained is:
– 8 rounds because the kids were 3.2 km inside the cave 400m x 8 = 3.2 km
– 13 for the boys and their coach
– 17 for the how long they were trapped inside the cave

Pyromania athletes, the heat times schedule is coming. It’s going to be a google sheet format. We’ll have Friday built and will be updating the rest momentarily. We’re a small army, working around the clock literally, greatness takes time, thanks for your patience

Did you know that we have 2 floater workouts every week? Did you know that we have 3 days of accessory work workouts every week? We also have 3 days of weightlifting plus a gymnastics only session? On top of that, we have the Firebreather classes that tackles benchmark and hero workouts. Did you know that you have access to all of this in your membership? Floater workouts and acc work is posted every Sunday on the website, community group and on the whiteboard in the dojo. Make sure to have a look.


Muscle ups
Rope climbs


For time:
Bench press 185/125
Muscle ups (bar or rings)
Rope climbs

Bench press (lower the load, meant to be challenging, aim for about 5 to 10reps unbroken fresh)
Muscle ups (jumping muscle ups, low rings, pull ups, banded pull ups, ring rows)
Rope climbs (half height, 3 lock-in per rope climbs, rope anchored to the rig)

Note: Workout flow goes like this:
21 bench press, 12 muscle ups, 3 rope climbs then
15 bench press, 9 muscle ups, 2 rope climbs…

Target timeframe: 15 to 20min
Weightlifting W4D1

Tall snatch

Hang snatch


Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM

Front squats

Floater wods

WOD 1:
For time:

Cals row

WOD 2:
For time:
5k run

Acc work

Bent Over Dumbells Row 3×10 (each arm)
Weighted Pullups 4×8

5 DBall Cleans 100/70
15 GHD Situps

Romain Deadlifts 20-10-8-6-4-2 (Ascending Weight)

20 Back Extension
10 Standing Single Arm DB Shoulder Press (each arm)

10 rope climbs for time

“The Gauntlet”
Barbell Curl (Pick a weight that you can do consistently for 10 reps)
Ring Dips
C2B Pullups

Rowing Intervals
500 meters x 5 (take your split time, divide by two and that’s your rest period. Ie. 2 minute 500m= 1 minute rest)

Pyromania III is only 5 days away!!! Are you ready? Heat times will be posted tomorrow, check your emails, the FB event group, FB community group and the FB Pyro page.

A bunch of us are planning to hit the workout Thursday at 8pm and them go have a drink at Citizen, everybody welcome, join us!



3 power snatch

Note: Drops allowed, build to max


8min AMRAP

8 overhead squats 115/85
8 knees to elbows


Cowboy hats and jeans, let’s do this

Partner up!

2 rope climbs (1 each)
10 cals bike each
20 tire flips alternating
30 sandbag thrusters total 70/50
40 box jumps alternating 24/20
50 double unders each
60ft sled push (30ft each) 280/210
60ft bazooka carries (30ft each) 280/210
50 double unders each
40 box jumps alternating 24/20
30 sandbag thrusters total 70/50
20 tire flips alternating
10 cals bike each
2 rope climbs (1 each)

Sled push loading: Mens 4 plates + sled = 280. Ladies 2x45plates + 15 = 210
Bazooka bars loading: Mens 2×45 + 2×15 + 2×5 per bars, x2 bars = 280. Ladies 2×45 per bars, x2 bars = 210

Coach note: This is a partner workout, this is meant to be fun! Regardless who your partner is, YOU do your best and YOU get better. Forget about the score, forget about the Rx and not Rx, do YOUR part to the best of your ability. You’re not slowing anybody down. Partner workouts are a great way dial back intensity, have fun and just get a good training session. On the other hand, partner workouts are great to hold yourself accountable. We have classes at 9 and 10, be a team player!

No partner because we ended up with a odd number class? We can do teams of 3 or can you do this workout solo? You can either cut the reps in half or…do it all!! Anybody?



5 rounds for time

3 L-pull ups
6 box jumps 30/24
9 V-ups
20ft handstand walk (scale to 4 wall climbs)


Overhead squats or snatch balance

5sec pause at the bottom

Shoulder press
Push press
Push jerk



20min AMRAP

6 bear crawls 20ft
15 push press 95/65
7 bar facing burpees
13 deadlifts 185/135

*Rx: weight vest on (simulates wearing your duty gear with a self contained breathing apparatus SCBA

Note: Only 1 barbell per athlete, you must change your weights between movements, just like firefighters change cylinders when empty

Senior Firefighter Morley James joined the Calgary Fire Department (CFD) on June 15, 1975. On July 13, 1992, Morley James and his crew were dispatched to a fire at the 17th Avenue Inn. While he was searching for the fire with another firefighter, smoke conditions suddenly changed for the worse and visibility became virtually zero. Morley attempted to exit the structure and ran out of air before he could find his way out. The fire was later determined to be arson with multiple ignition points.

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