
5 rounds for time

3 L-pull ups
6 box jumps 30/24
9 V-ups
20ft handstand walk (scale to 4 wall climbs)


Overhead squats or snatch balance

5sec pause at the bottom

Shoulder press
Push press
Push jerk



20min AMRAP

6 bear crawls 20ft
15 push press 95/65
7 bar facing burpees
13 deadlifts 185/135

*Rx: weight vest on (simulates wearing your duty gear with a self contained breathing apparatus SCBA

Note: Only 1 barbell per athlete, you must change your weights between movements, just like firefighters change cylinders when empty

Senior Firefighter Morley James joined the Calgary Fire Department (CFD) on June 15, 1975. On July 13, 1992, Morley James and his crew were dispatched to a fire at the 17th Avenue Inn. While he was searching for the fire with another firefighter, smoke conditions suddenly changed for the worse and visibility became virtually zero. Morley attempted to exit the structure and ran out of air before he could find his way out. The fire was later determined to be arson with multiple ignition points.

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