Today, 12pm is the absolute deadline to register for Pyromania and get your free tshirt. We have to do the order tomorrow to make sure we get them on time. We will get some extras but don’t count on this to get yours. They will go first come first serve on the day of the event. Here’s the link to register:

The track day was so much fun! Awesome people, great workout, perfect weather, got some high jumps in, played volleyball, spikeball. Approximately 20 of us showed up. We wrapped up the day at 3:30. Sweet skills everyone!!

Double unders

On a 20min running clock:

For time:
Double unders

Rx: Each set must be unbroken, if you trip or stop you have to start the set over
Scaled: Each set can be broken
Scaled option 2: Singles and doubles mixed
Scaled option 3: Single unders

Note: Once you complete the required reps you must come to a complete stop before starting the next set

Then, with the remaining time:

Build up to a 5 rep max hang squat clean

Each part is scored separately

Example: flight simulator 8:40, clean 205

Coach note: This workout is a double edge sword. You want to go fast in flight simulator but risk of tripping and take more time. Also, the faster you go the more time you have to build up your clean. You will have time before the timer starts to set your bar.


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