
Clean pulls @110% of 1RM clean and jerk

Note: Fix weight, focus on the 1st pull, triple extension and contact with the bar at the hips


5rds for time:

400m run (up the hill, down the back alley)
3 barbell turkish get ups right 45/35
3 barbell turkish get ups left 45/35

Note: Barbell turkish get ups are challenging, make sure that you can manage that load and not drop the bar. Scale with dumbbells if necessary

Weightlifting W1D1

Snatch complex
5 sets

1 snatch pull
1 below the knee squat snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 snatch balance
1 overhead squat

Note: Build to max

2 position snatch pulls

Stop at low hang and the hang then explode for the triple extension and let the bar ride. Hold 3sec at each positions

Front squats

5 rounds for time:
15 cals air bike
10 D-ball cleans 100/70

20 rounds for time:
50m swim
Rest 30 sec btw rds

Acc work (From Coach Andrew)

“Getting good at the core lifts will have a huge carryover into everything else. Start light, progress slowly, and leave out the ego in order to bust PRs.” – Jim Wendler, Strength Coach and Powerlifter (owner of a 1,000lb squat)

I’ve decided to pair accessory work with Wendler’s 5-3-1 program for the next month. This is a barebones-rip-and-grip-barbells program. Wendler is a former NCAA football player, strength coach and powerlifter. He came up with the 5-3-1 program as a quick, but effective, strength training program for people who value simplicity and efficient training sessions.
It’s designed as a four-day a week, for four weeks, program around the four foundational lifts in powerlifting: deadlift, squat, shoulderpress and bench. We will skip the bench press day (this hurts me as much as it hurts all of you #beachszn).
The first week is sets of 5’s, second week sets of 3’s, third week sets of 1’s and week four deload. Each week works off percentages of your 1RM (if you don’t know this, pick up a barbell and find out). This should take between 12-15 minutes (3-5 minute rest between sets- take the rest….).

Why have I done this? Strength in these lifts will only benefit you in other aspects of CrossFit (FYI event three at Madison this year is the CrossFit Total…). The higher your 1RM the lighter weights become in METCON’s. For many of us who are traveling this summer, these three lifts are easy to do in any CrossFit box or conventional gym. Lastly, it provides you with alternative programing if you have limited time, or injuries, but want to get strength work in.

Keep the volume, scale the weight. It’s important to build volume, especially for longer metcons. The more volume and strength our muscles, tendons and ligaments experience, the more resilient they are to injuries.
Adding the strength component is longer, so feel free to superset the accessory items or make an EMOM to keep yourself accountable and efficient. I will also work in some time for skill work. I envision this to be between 30-40 minutes: 15 for strength, 15-25 for accessory and skill work.

Back Squat:
85%x5(+) (Max reps)

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat 4×15 (each leg)
Accumulate 2 Minutes of Hollow Holds
Kneeling DB Shoulder Press 4×15
Spend 5 Minutes on Pullup Skill Work (Kipping/Butterfly/C2B)


Shoulder Press:

Weighted Pullups 4×8
GHD Situps 4×25
KB RDL 4×20
5 Rope Climbs for Time



1 Arm DB Row 4×15
Deadbugs 4×10 (
Hip Extension 4×25
Rings Dips
DB Curls

Come and join us for the fun, Tuesday August 21st from 8pm to 10pm at the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool. No workouts there, just hanging out and have fun. Bring your family, friends and kids. We’ll have a BBQ with hot dogs, kids toys for the pool, tables will be setup for a potluck so bring your favourite dish. We’ll bring Spikeball and other games. This is free of charge, just a thanks to you for being awesome!! Hope to see you all there

2 power snatch (drops allowed)

For time:

5 squat snatch 95/65
6 bar facing burpees
7 toes to bar

2 rds
5 squat snatch 135/95
6 bar facing burpees
7 toes to bar

1 rd
5 squat snatch 155/105
6 bar facing burpees
7 toes to bar

Timeframe: 10-15min

Note: Scale the snatch ladder as needed. Burpees are open standards

Partner up!

20min AMRAP

Pt 1 cals row
Pt 2
5 tire flips
10 dumbbells shoulder to overhead 50/35
20 box jumps 24/20

You can switch at any time, continue the AMRAP where left off

*score is total cals + reps combined*

We’ll try to take this outside as much as we can, the rowers, the dumbbells and the box jumps are easy to setup in the backyard. This is a partner workout to accommodate bigger attendance and allow us to do things like tire flips, rowing and using dumbbells. Partner workouts are fun, let’s do this!!



5 rounds not for time:

1 legless rope climb
25ft handstand walk

For time:
15 L-pull ups

8min AMRAP

6 burpees to target (pull up bar)
1 strict toe to bar
2 kipping toes to bar
3 knees to elbows

Weightlifting W6D3

Snatch balance or overhead squat

*5sec hold at the bottom*

Push press

*5sec hold bottom of the dip*

Split jerk

*5sec hold at the catch*



10 rounds for time:

150m run
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 front squats 135/95
7 handstand push ups

Canadian Forces Cpl. Nicholas Bulger, 30, of Peterborough, Ontario, assigned to the 3rd Battalion of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, died July 3, 2009, while on patrol in the Zhari District of Afghanistan when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.

Bulger is survived by his wife, Rebeka; and daughters, Brookelynn and Elizabeth.

Do you even lift bros?

Get ready for the 2018 Pyro Olympic lifting meet. Saturday August 25th. Every athlete gets 3 attempts at the snatch, 3 attempts at the clean and jerk. There will be weight classes, official numbers will be announced shortly. We will build a special Olympic Lifting platform just for that. We’ll have a professional videographer shooting “hookgrip” style slow mo video of our lifts. There will be judges as well. 25$ per athlete and all proceeds go directly to the “Save the 10s” foundation. Kidding aside, all proceeds will go to buying more lifting gear for the gym. New plates, bars, collars and others. We’ll keep that one in house as much as we can. Meaning that it’s going to be mostly Pyro but we’ll extend the invite to our friends but we won’t push or advertise it much. This is meant to be fun, don’t take yourself too seriously, that being said, onesies are strongly recommended. You can register through Rhinofit. Search events or simply go the calendar, click on the event and will go through your account.


Back squats

Note: 5sec pause at bottom


For time:

Power cleans bodyweight
Ring dips

Acc work (not during regular classes)

Single Arm Kettlebell Shoulder Press (hold KB bottom up. Reduce weight to focus on stability in the range of motion) 4×10

15 Romanian Deadlifts
15 Hollow rocks

Ring Rows 4×20 (Try to finish all 20 reps. Scale the movement accordingly to allow for this)

15min AMRAP

1 hill run
30ft handstand walk
60 double unders

White: 30 hand release inverted, 30 doubles
Silver: handstand walk no increments, 60 doubles
Gold: 10ft increments, 60 doubles unbroken
Legendary: unbroken handstand walk, 60 unbroken doubles Zeus ropes

Weightlifting W6D2

Hang squat clean + push jerk

Squat clean + split jerk

Back squats




2 rounds for time:

10 bar muscle ups
20 burpees over the bar
30 deadlifts 225/155
40 wall balls 30/20

**Perform the workout under 11min and you get a free COMPTRAIN tshirt. You must video your performance and send it to COMPTRAIN for validation**

Acc work (not during regular classes)

GHD Complex x3
15 Sit Ups
15 Back Extension
15 Glute Ham Raise

DB Bulgarian Split Squats 4×10 (each leg)

Good Mornings 3×15

Note: The acc work programming is a great way to add volume and logical movements to the regular programming. Work on weaknesses, develop skills, strength, endurance and capacity. There are many other reasons why you should do this. This is meant to be around 10 to 15min of extra work. It won’t interfere with the regular programming so it’s perfect before or after workouts. In order to create more awareness to the program we’ll be posting it with the regular programming as well. How many of you feel you need more core strength, develop stronger shoulders, need more time developing skills, well, get after it. This programming is courtesy of Coach Andrew


10min EMOM alt min

20ft overhead walking lunges
15 GHD sit ups

Note: Weight should be the same across all sets. No Rx weight but pick something challenging. Like something barely doable for you. Bodyweight anyone?
For the EMOM, this is alternating minutes so 5 sets of each. One minute walking lunges, the other minute, GHD sit ups. Scale the GHD sit ups as needed


10min amrap

Front rack lunges 135/95
Handstand push ups

Note: Keep adding 2 reps of lunges and handstand push up after each round

Note: Goodbye legs, it was nice knowing you!

Weightlifting W6D1

Heavy singles week

Hang squat snatch


Front squats

Note: Little bit lighter on the volume this week. Aim for some solid heavy singles. 90 to 95% of your maxes. Next week, we’ll start a new cycle leading right to the 2018 Pyro meet. Tickets are going on sale this week. More details on that very soon. Do you even lift bro?

Floaters 1



5 rounds for time:

15cals bike
10 burpees

**Everybody should do this**

Floater 2

For time:
15k run

Acc work
Crossover symmetry strength program x2

Every 90 seconds for 6 minutes
10 T2B
5 Strict T2B

100 Hip Extension (break as needed)

GHD Complex x3
15 Sit Ups

15 Back Extension
15 Glute Ham Raise
DB Bulgarian Split Squats 4×10 (each leg)

Good Mornings 3×15

Single Arm Kettlebell Shoulder Press (hold KB bottom up. Reduce weight to focus on stability in the range of motion) 4×10

15 Romanian Deadlifts
15 Hollow rocks

Ring Rows 4×20 (Try to finish all 20 reps. Scale the movement accordingly to allow for this)

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