Pyromania III is CrossFit Pyro’s 3rd annual fitness festival. The goal of this competition is to offer a CrossFit Games style event for everyone, all fitness and skill levels, new or experienced CrossFitter. We can’t stress this enough, this is for absolutely EVERYONE. The workouts are tailored in a way so everyone can do them. If you’re afraid this might be too easy for you, well rest assured that it won’t be the case. Essentially, fitter or higher skill level athletes will just push harder. Each workouts are time capped so just do your best within the timeframe. There will be 6 events for everyone and a final workout for the top 5 of each divisions. We’re 6 weeks away and we’re getting a lot of questions about divisions. Hopefully we can clarify a few questions with this post.

First and foremost, the divisions are there to separate fitness/skill levels and age group athletes. Beginners and intermediate, advanced and masters athletes get to compete agains each other in their own divisions. Some workouts will be the same so you can still see how you do against the other divisions. How cool is that? Let’s say we have a clean speed ladder, the weight will start light and build up after each stage, male and female athletes will still get through most of the ladder and will advance to multiple stages at a certain speed while Firebreathers might just go faster and end up building up to a higher stage. The goal is also to offer a good challenge and good workouts for everyone.

Here’s quick overview of each divisions:

The male/female division:
This is for everyone, the volume and loads will be lighter. You can call this the scale division if you will. In other words, for beginners and intermediate athletes. So why not calling scaled then? Well, other than the volume (number of reps) and load (weight on the bar), there isn’t much difference with the other divisions. Besides, not that there’s anything wrong with “scaled”, once you do it, you’ll understand why it’s called scaled.

Call this the Rx. Firebreathers is a term used back in the early days of CrossFit for those that push beyond their limits, like a challenge and usually end up on their back gasping for air at the end of the workout. The thing is, everybody can be a Firebreather. It’s a state of mind more than anything. Don’t look at this like we’ll be throwing handstand walk up a ramp or ring handstand push up in the workouts. Like the Male/female division, most of the workouts will be same, add more reps, maybe a movement added, more weight on the bar. Where you might see a big difference is with the final workout, we’ll have fun with that one for sure. The best way to look at this is if you can Rx most girls benchmark workouts. But it doesn’t mean that we’ll throw “AMANDA” in there with squat snatch at 135/95 and ring muscle ups. Even if you don’t have muscle ups or even butterfly pull ups, you can be in the Firebreather division. We found over the years that competitions tend have a huge gap between scaled and Rx, we want to fill the gap by creating events that can be done by both and offer a challenge for both at the same time. How can it be done you ask? Just sign up and see for yourself!

This is for the 35 years old and above. That one is Pretty straight forward, older athletes don’t recover as well as younger athletes, don’t have the same energy levels and and general can’t compete with younger athletes. It doesn’t mean that older athletes are not as good if not better than younger athletes though but it’s just fair to have Masters compete against Masters. Workout wise, expect the same as the other divisions, movements and workouts that can be done by everyone.

Now, what about the movements and workouts. Most of the workouts will be shared as needed with your partner so you can split the work load as you see fit. Worst case scenario, if you can’t do a specific movements, chances are your partner will be able to do it. Here’s a list of movements you can expect that everyone can do or at least most can do:

Running (How about walking with a very fast pace)
Swimming (shallow water, you’ll be able to touch the ground)
Dumbbell power snatch 50/35
Box jumps 24/20 (step ups allowed)
Single unders (double unders for Firebreathers?)
Wall balls 24/20
Clean (muscle, power or squat)
Snatch (muscle, power or squat)
Wall walks
Kettlebell swings 53/35

Not to give away the workouts here but if you can do any of these movements, you’re good to go in any of the divisions. Like we said, the divisions are there to separate skills and fitness level. Fitter and more advance athletes will go faster and get further in a ladder for example but it’s still the same workouts overall. We don’t want to post the workouts ahead of time because CrossFit always been about being ready for the unknown and the unknowable. Knowing what the workouts are allow you to prep for it. Not knowing in advance really see those that are well rounded and really train CrossFit.

We hope that this post clarified a few things and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate and ask. Email at or even call us at 403-671-4727 or at 403-690-0336.

We have 21 teams registered so far with way more confirmed but have yet to signed up. The female division is full. Still room in the other divisions but the Female Firebreathers and Female Masters could use more for sure. The Firebreathers division is not as scary as it sound, if you’re on the fence or not sure you should do it, that exactly why you should do it!!!

The stage is set, the events are awesome, the teams are registered, this is going to be EPIC!!!

Reminder: The floater workouts and the accessory work is posted on the board in the dojo. Put your name down under the when completed

Floater 1:
For time:

Run 5k

Floater 2:

5 rounds for time:

20 cals bike
10 thrusters 95/65

Accessory work:

Strict pull up complex (to failure)
3 rounds
Wide grip
Rest 1min
Shoulder width grip
Rest 1min
Chin up

Rest 2min

Falser grip ring rows 8-10

Every 90sec for 6min
25 GHD sit ups
Aim for 45 on 45 off

Single leg RDL with KB or DB

Every 90sec for 6min
Strict toes to bar 10-12

Russian KB swing (hip drive focus)

L sit pull ups 8-10

Back extensions 12-15
Seated Russian twist 15-20

Crossover symmetry circuit

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