Technique/skills 5-10min


Strength (test)

10min to find 1 rep max front squat


8min amrap

8 power snatch 95/65
8 box jumps 30/24

2min rest

8min AMRAP

8 overhead squats 95/65
8 chest to bar pull ups

Pyromania III is gearing up to be absolutely EPIC!!! 21 teams registered so far. We are now 6 weeks away. We still have spots in the Firebreather and Master divisions. We wanted to take some time and clarify the Firebreather division. The divisions are mostly there to have athletes of common skills and fitness level competing together. Yes, the Firebreather division might have different rep scheme, more volume, more advanced movements but this is not targeted to Regionals or Games athletes. Far from it, this is still manageable for most people. Being a CrossFit Firebreather is more of a mindset than anything. It’s for those that are more competitive by nature, those that can push beyond their limits. Put it simply, if you can Rx most (not necessarily all of them) workouts, you have what it takes to be in Firebreather division. Our Pyromania fitness festival is truly for everyone and we wanted to make sure everyone is aware of it. Now, find a partner, go the link below and register, BOOM:

Following the last week’s testing of the snatch and the clean and jerk, we saw a need to focus on the squat snatch, the squat clean, also the split jerk as many athletes are having difficulties getting under the bar. Starting Monday for everyday of the week, the start of each class will see a 5-10min focus on the snatch, clean and jerk as technique focus. The goal here is to develop skills and movement efficiency. Using just a pvc pipe, an empty barbell or very light load, we will perform drills focus on those movement. One day will be the snatch and the other the clean and jerk. Reinforce foot work, speed under the bar, grip, overhead position. Even though it might be light, perform each drills and movements with a purpose.

Tuesday 7pm is our Fundamental session 2: Gymnastics. Everybody welcome, current and new members. We said it before, fundamentals is a must. If you’ve been at Pyro for a while and can’t do the hollow/arch/beat swing efficiently, you might just need to go back to basics. 
Wednesday 7pm is the Rowing clinic
Make sure to sign in on Rhinofit


Clean and jerk complex
E2M10M (5 sets)

1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 push jerk
1 split jerk

Note: Build up to max


15min AMRAP

40 double unders
20 wall balls 24/20
10 push ups

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