**Olympic lifting testing this week for everyone**
The Snatch on Tuesday
The Clean and jerk Thursday

The testing will be for everyone during regular classes, not just weightlifting. Weightlifting classes will be the hatch squat cycle only. If you can only make to the weightlifting class on those days, you’ll have the option to do the testing as well but try to make it for regular classes. The format will be lifts testing for the first part of the class and there will be a METCON based at a percentage of your lifts. Let’s see where were at.


Partner up!

“Run, row, lift and burp”

4 rounds for time:

400m run
4 rounds (2 each)
12 cals row
8 thrusters 115/85
8 bar facing burpees

Note: Both partners run the 400m together. Rounds are alternating, 1 partner at a time working while the other rest

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