Pyro will be at Injanation tonight 6pm. Try to arrive a few minutes early so we’re ready to rock for 6pm. We’re aiming for 1 hour at the cost of 20$ but if you want to stay longer, go ahead. If you can make it but you’ll be late, please come, just join us when you arrive. 2 parkour circuits, warp wall, trampolines and tons of cool stuff to play around with. Also, as you probably heard, event 5 at Pyromania III in July will be the military parkour from Injanation so this is the perfect opportunity to come try it out. See you then


E3M15M (5 cycles per movement)

Alternate each minute

1min 3 ring or bar muscle ups
1min 15 GHD sit ups
1min 15/12 cals row

Note: If you don’t have 5-10 solid chest to bar pull ups, work on your pull ups. If you can perform chest to bar pull ups with ease, work on your muscle ups. This is a strength/skills session, use it wisely. Alternate for the GHD situps can be toes to bar, knees to elbows or regular situps. Cals row for females is 12


8min AMRAP

15 wall balls 20/14
30 double unders

Rx+ wall balls 30/20

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