Injanation tomorrow night at 6pm. 1 hour of play, run, jump and just being kids again. 20$ per hour. See you then




For time:

30 clean and jerk 135/95

White Firebreather: 95/65
Silver Firebreather (Rx): 135/95
Gold Firebreather: 225/155
Legendary: 245/165 (squat clean and jerk)

Note; Lots of options here. If you’ve never done “GRACE” as prescribed, go with it. This is meant to be a short workout, aim for about 5 minutes. If you’ve done it a few times and you know where you’re at, we invite you to challenge yourself. Obviously, going heavier, like the Gold or Legendary versions completely change the intensity. Keep the workout for time but you’ll need more rest, aim for 1 rep every 45sec or on the minute. It’s a lot about knowing yourself if you can physically do it. Also, adding a squat clean at each rep will definitely up the challenge. Have fun and be smart.

Weightlifting W11D2

4 sets
3 hang power clean + 3 push jerks

4 sets
3 hang squat clean + 3 split jerks

Hatch W11D2
Back squats
1*5 60%
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 70%

Front squats1*5 60%
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 80%

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