Brian and Scott are signed for Pyromania III as a team. Be like Brian and Scott and signed up!


E2M10M (5 sets)

Max rep unbroken power snatch 135/95

Note: Scale the load accordingly. Pick a weight that you can do at least 5 reps unbroken. Reps must be touch and go on the ground. We’ll be doing the same for the clean and jerk Wednesday. The goal with this is increase barbell cycling efficiency. If you start slowing down too much and rest the bar at the hip, just stop and wait for the next cycle


For time:


Burpee box jump overs 30/24
Weighted pull ups 25/15

Note: No kip on the pull up for Rx. Regular strict pull ups or kipping pull ups is a good scaling option

5 rounds for time:

15/12 cals bike
6 D-ball cleans 100/70

Friendly reminder:
Don’t forget to sign in for classes
Do your best to be on time for classes. That being said, it’s better to be late than not coming at all
Being a coach is challenging, try your best to pay attention during classes and avoid talking while the coach is explaining. 100% of the time, athletes not paying attention are not doing the movements correctly
We’re big supporters of open gym and allowing everyone to do some extra work outside regular classes, just remember that if there’s a class going, try to go in the new space (the dojo) to do your stuff. As coaches, trying to explain complex movements and being interrupted by barbells dropping on the ground is not cool. Doing stuff on the side is good, even key to improve as an athlete, just make sure to ask the coach before

Pyromania III is gearing up to be absolutely EPIC! 8 teams registered already, the venues are set, workouts are going to be awesome and all we need is you! All of you, as many of you as possible. This is for everyone and everyone should do it. We have room for 120 athletes or 60 teams. We’ll also be adding an adaptive division. We really want all of you, no excuses. You will be challenged, you will be pushed outside of your comfort zone and you will get better because of it. Find a partner and sigh up here:


25min AMRAP

1 hill sprint
15 wall balls 20/14
12 kettlebell swings 70/53
9 push ups

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

Note: If you don’t have a weight vest, bring a backpack and we’ll fill it with weights

Pyro coach meeting at 11. No Firebreathers class this week. But don’t worry, the gymnastics and weightlifting will be enough

“Synchro de mayo”


Partner up, all reps must be synchronized

For time:

5 rounds

5 inverted burpees (top)
5 handstand push ups (top)
5 ring dips (top)
5 push ups (top)
5 wall climbs (top)


5 rounds:

5 burpees to target (target)
5 knees to waist (waist)
5 toes to waist (waist)
5 toes to bar (bar)
5 pull ups (bar)


Partner up, all reps must be synchronized

For time:

Snatch synchronized complex

5 rounds

5 snatch grip high pulls (bottom)
5 hang power snatch (top)
5 overhead squats (bottom)
5 snatch balance (bottom)
5 overhead squats (bottom)

Bar at 95/65


Clean and jerk synchronized complex

5 rounds:

5 deadlifts (waist)
5 hang power cleans (shoulder)
5 front squats (bottom)
5 shoulder to overhead (overhead)
5 back squats (bottom)

Bar at 135/95

“May the 4th be with you”

3 rounds for reps

1min tire flips
1min sandbag manmakers 70/50
1min GHD sit ups
1min D-ball cleans 100/70
1min farmers carry 20ft 70/53 x2

1min rest between rounds
Score is total reps for all 3 rounds combined

Note: Time to get dirty! Don’t wear your fanciest shoes or clothing for today’s workout. Tires are a bit dusty. A good scale for the tire flip is just regular deadlifts, bodyweight or above. Please try not to drop the sandbags from overhead, the fillers inside the big bags keep exploding on us. For the D-ball cleans, if the actual D-balls are too heavy, guys can go down to 70 and the ladies can grab a 30lbs med ball. Cleans are over the shoulders.

Logistics: We can do this workout for up to 12 as prescribed. 2 starting in the rest period. Make sure you sign up for class! If any of you scaling, we can have have way more. We’re limited on the GHD sit ups and the D-ball cleans

Hello Pyromanians, our friends at CrossFit Sunalta are putting an interesting little competition on Saturday June 23rd. The idea is to form a team of 7 and tackle all, I say again ALL benchmark workouts back to back with a timecap of 9 hours. The teams can be any combinations of male/female and we get to decide who does which workouts. Each team member have to do 3 workouts. There will be Rx and scaled divisions. The order of the workouts will be announced prior to the event so we can plan ahead. This is a really cool idea. It ties in with our Firebreather program very well. It’s a great opportunity to support other boxes in town and develop team work within our community. Pyro Firebreathers is already signed up. 60$ per person and you get a tshirt. Each member of the team have to sign up individually. Let’s smash this!!! #PYROSTRONG

You can sign up here:

Gymnastics conditioning
10min EMOM alt minute

Max Paralette L-sit hold
3-5 ice cream makers

Note: Hold the Paralette L-sit position for as long as you can for 1min, multiple sets allowed. Ice cream makers are great to develop upper body strength and the transition for the muscle up. Do 3 to 5 reps in the minute, depending on your ability


6min AMRAP

1 legless rope climb (start seated on the ground, no jump)
8 dumbbell hang power clean and jerk 50/35

Weightlifting W6D2

Hip clean + push press

Hang clean + push jerk

Clean and jerk

Note: 20min for this part

Hatch squat W6D2
Back squats
1*4 75%
1*4 80%
1*4 80%
1*4 80%

Front squats
1*5 60%
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 70%

Challenge of the day:

Find a partner and sign up for Pyromania III

“Hero grade 2.0”

5 rounds for time:

400m run
3 ring muscle ups
6 squat snatch

White: Pull ups, 95/65
Silver: chest to bar pull ups, 115/85
Gold: 135/95
Legendary: 165/115

CrossFit Pyro’s third annual fitness festival, Pyromania III is Friday July 20th, Saturday July 21st and Sunday July 22nd. Same sex partner competition, 6 events + a final for the top 5 in each divisions, 3 divisions, male/female (for everyone), Firebreathers (advanced) and Masters (35+), 175$ per team. This is THE competition you don’t want to miss. This is going to be EPIC!
Sign up here:

10min EMOM alt min

15/12 cals row
5 push jerk

Note: Only 1 movement per minute. Push jerks are fixed weight. Pick a weight challenging for you. No split jerks. Alternate between row and push jerks each minute


3 rounds each for time:

40 double unders
20 dumbbell snatch 50/35
10 deadlifts 225/155
5 deficit handstand push ups 4/2

2min rest between rounds and each round will be capped at 3min. The 2min rest starts after the 3min

Note: Aim for 2min of work per round. This is meant to be a sprint at each rounds. Your score is your time at each round separate.

*Set up the workout so you start at one end of the gym, by the mural and work your way towards the opposite wall to the handstand push ups. Regionals and games style*

Weightlifting W6D1

Hip snatch

Hang snatch


Hatch squat cycle
Back squats
1*6 70%
1*6 80%
1*3 90%
1*2 95%

Front squats
1*5 65%
1*4 75%
1*4 80%
1*4 80%

For time:

500m swim

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