Hello Pyromanians,

Summer is here, the weather is nice, vacation is upon us. Time to enjoy some outdoor activities and chill. But what about working out at the gym? Well, as you probably know, attendance is way down these last couple days. The workouts are there, the coaching is top notch and we’ve added lots of running so we can enjoy the nice weather. We know it’s way more appealing to go have a nice refreshing drink with a couple friends than crushing a 30min chipper in 25+ degrees weather. Well, is it? Or can it be both? One of our primary tasks is to motivate you, to help you achieve your goals, to guide you in the right direction. We’re also here to remind you that you are not at your destination yet. Being active, staying healthy doesn’t stop because it’s nice out. Being healthy is about lifestyle and habits. If coming to the gym these days requires you to get out of your way to make it happen, that’s exactly why you should do it. We’re definitely not here to tell anyone how to live their lives, we’re here to help you develop that good lifestyle and habits. This whole fitness and training thing doesn’t have to be an obsession, it has to be balanced within everything else, family, hobbies, work, rest and having fun. There’s no way, no way you don’t have one hour in your day to make it happen. There’s no such thing as no time. Only priorities. Between 6am and 9pm, there are many opportunities to come by. Being tired is a mindset, there’s no way work can make you so tired that you can’t workout and do something for yourself. The big separator these days is between those that keep coming, focus on their goals and those that took it easy or just stopped. Now, we have a great end of the week ahead of us, get to the gym. Let’s do this!!

We’ll be tackling all the Regionals workouts this weekend. We’ve added an extra class at noon Saturday and Sunday to accommodate the awesomeness.
Here’s how it’s gonna look like:

Friday: 6/930/1030/12 Triple 3
5/6/7/8 Linda
Saturday: 9 and 10 Muscle ups, handstand walk and pistols
11 and 12 Snatch and burpees
**No trifecta Saturday**
Sunday 9 and 10 Chipper
11 and 12 Rope climbs and thrusters

All the workouts are time capped and depending on how many you are coming (everybody should do this) we’ll be doing multiple heats. Also, depending on the scales and modifications, we should be able to accommodate more athletes simultaneous. Don’t get caught up on the workouts as prescribed, scale as needed. It’s just fitness, do the best of your ability. For those seeking a competitive edge, there’s no way around it, if you want to compete with the best or be like the best, you have to be able to do what the best do. If you want to win, you have to do better than the best and train more. If you can’t do what they do now, get after it!

The last day to order any Pyro apparels is Friday June 8th. The order sheet is by the white board.

Pyro at Injanation is Friday June 8th at 6pm. Reminder that there will be no classes that night


5 sets
Every 45sec
Max unbroken power clean and jerk 135/95

Note: Pick a weight that will allow you to do at least 5 reps touch and go


5 rounds for time:

6 overhead squats 135/95
12 chest to bar pull ups

Rx+ 155/105

Weightlifting W10D2

5 sets
1 power clean + 1 push jerk

5 sets
1 squat clean + 1 split jerk

Hatch squats W10D2

Back squats

Front squats

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