Pyro ladies night is tonight at 6pm!!!

CrossFit Pyro is proud to announce the ultimate partnership with @injanation for our upcoming 3rd annual fitness festival, Pyromania III. The military parkour circuit will be our Sunday morning event for all teams. All athletes will come to Injanation for 730am Sunday July 22nd and perform the circuit as part of the competition. NO EXTRA FEES, obviously! Also, every athletes will get a special promo code to go at Injanation prior to the event and practice the circuit at a discount. Everybody can do it! This is going to be EPIC!!! More info on all the events incoming. Find a partner and sign up today!!



5 sets
1 tricep push up
1 pike slide to headstand
2 strict handstand push ups

*Add 1 rep of each after each cycle*


For time:
Ring dips
Toes to bar or GHD sit ups


5 sets
1 snatch high pull
1 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat

5 sets
1 clean high pull
1 hang squat clean
1 jerk

Acc work
5×5 bench press




5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 overhead squats 95/65

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