Hello Pyromaniacs,

This Monday, we’ll be launching our 2018 Darren L. challenge. Member extraordinaire and goal crusher Darren approached us not too long ago with a great idea, set up a nutrition and lifestyle challenge for everyone at the box. This was a great idea an we’re going to do it head on. The goal of this challenge is to have everyone develop good or just better lifestyle habits. Loose weight, lower body fat, be more active and more importantly, be accountable for it. Everyone has something to work on, everyone has some goals. The first step is to sign up the commitment sheet at Pyro between now and Monday. No worries if you can’t make it by Monday, as long as on sign up early next week. The challenge will go for 6 weeks, only 6 weeks, everyone can do this. Once you signed up, we’ll do a weigh in and body fat measurement. Then, you need to set up your goals. Loose 5lbs, loose 10lbs… decrease body fat by 3%, 5% and so on. The other challenge is to set an attendance record at Pyro. Something like coming to 24 classes in 6 weeks for example. That would be 4x a week. If you’re currently coming on twice a week (which is definitely not enough), increase to 3x a week. Or just focus on coming for a total of 24 classes. We’re going to have workouts that will support this challenge. Here the big thing, you need to be accountable for your actions. If you do not achieve your goals, you will pay for it. Once you sign up your commitment sheet, you will establish what you will have to do if you do not achieve your goals. Some kind of a punishment if you will. Something like “I will not ride my Ducati for the month of July and August” if unsuccessful. You know, the box could aways get more gear so something like “I will get a new barbell to CrossFit Pyro” if unsuccessful (That would be ok to be unsuccessful I guess haha). Or better, I will come to CrossFit Pyro for a full week and clean the gym after hours. But seriously, find something for you, something that will make you stick to the plan and not give up or else…

Most gyms usually charge for something like this, we are not, this is absolutely free. Also, most gyms would give some kind of money prize to the winners, wait what??? The prize is you getting healthier, fitter and getting the body you want. The true test is you setting up a consequence that will make you pay for your actions. That may sound drastic but in reality it’s not. It’s you taking control. Join us Saturday May 12th for a massive weigh in and body fat measurement, sign the commitment sheet and set up your consequences if unsuccessful. This is a really exciting challenge and everyone should get on board. Below is Darren’s original post on the challenge:

Fellow Pyromaniacs,

It’s a great Saturday for self-reflection. While working around my yard today I’ve been bugged by the sense that I let myself down by not going into the box for my typical Saturday AM doubleheader of gymnastics and weightlifting. Why didn’t I go? No real good reason aside from the fact that I didn’t have to. Previously I had set myself a weight loss goal and made a personal commitment to David and Emilie to attend 36 classes over 6 weeks. I made my goal in the days leading up to Festivus, but what now?

When it comes to fitness and eating right, I’m an awful procrastinator, telling myself “I’ll be better next week”. That would be okay but next week always turns into months and years. Having met one goal, I can already feel myself slipping back into bad habits so I need to self-correct now!

How many of you would find yourself in a similar place, knowing you should be in the box on a more routine basis, knowing you should be eating from the outside of the grocery store only? Willing to make a commit to doing just that?

I’m looking for people to join me in a 6-7 week mission to get fitter and “smaller”! Want to lose weight, join me! Want to replace fat with muscle, join me! Want to lose inches, join me!

Here’s what we need from you:
• A lot of courage
• A weight goal that’s achievable for you! Nobody is going to tell you how much you need to commit to. We’re willing to accept either a scale measurement or a measurement of inches or a combination of both
• A commitment to attend the box more than you are now. Attending twice a week, try to double it! Using weightlifting as a crutch to avoid rope climbs, commit to attending 4 or 5 Crossfit classes per week. (I know this crutch all too well)

I think it goes without saying that you’ll get all the support, encouragement and accountability from David and Emilie, the amazing coaching staff and myself that you can endure. Plus our box has a wealth of resources, with people from many walks of life who are often willing to answer questions and provide support. I know they’ve got all of our backs! While I undertook my last weight shedding endeavor, I felt incredibly encouraged and supported.

Now here’s the tough part, we need a serious commitment from you, something that will get you out of bed at 6am when your feeling like hitting the snooze bar, something that will keep you from reaching into the freezer for ice cream and keep you from making your goal. I’m of the opinion that nothing motivates quite like fear. When I did my last commitment, I told David and Emilie that I’d buy them a $300 dinner and babysit their kids if I didn’t make my goal. We’ll be looking for you to make a commitment that will keep you accountable to your goal. Get creative; come up with something original that will keep you focused. We’re ultimately committed to seeing you achieve your goal, not taking away your stuff (although I do know Emilie wants a road bike)

Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Pyro who?


Overhead squats


10 rounds for time:

10 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
10 wall balls 20/14

Note: Ouchy!

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