“May the 4th be with you”
3 rounds for reps
1min tire flips
1min sandbag manmakers 70/50
1min GHD sit ups
1min D-ball cleans 100/70
1min farmers carry 20ft 70/53 x2
1min rest between rounds
Score is total reps for all 3 rounds combined
Note: Time to get dirty! Don’t wear your fanciest shoes or clothing for today’s workout. Tires are a bit dusty. A good scale for the tire flip is just regular deadlifts, bodyweight or above. Please try not to drop the sandbags from overhead, the fillers inside the big bags keep exploding on us. For the D-ball cleans, if the actual D-balls are too heavy, guys can go down to 70 and the ladies can grab a 30lbs med ball. Cleans are over the shoulders.
Logistics: We can do this workout for up to 12 as prescribed. 2 starting in the rest period. Make sure you sign up for class! If any of you scaling, we can have have way more. We’re limited on the GHD sit ups and the D-ball cleans