
E2M10M (5 sets, fixed weight, touch and go)

3 snatch pull down

Note: See video for demo. This is a great movement to develop coordination and timing of the pull under the bar. Same as the snatch except that you don’t finish the turn over. Go with how you feel for the weight, we had a tough week, we pulled heavy yesterday with the cleans but that’s ok, listen to your body. 90 to 100% of your 1RM would be ideal but adjust accordingly


5min AMRAP

7 box jump overs 24/20
7 push ups

2min rest

5min AMRAP

7 over the box burpees 24/20
7 ring dips

Note: Burpees are box facing as well
Score is total reps for both AMRAPs together

Weightlifting W5D2

Muscle clean + push press

Power clean + jerk

Note: Touch and go or drops

Hatch squat cycle W5D2

Back squats
1*6 65%
1*6 75%
1*6 80%
1*6 80%

Front squats
1*5 60%
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 70%

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