AGOQ workout 3

20min AMRAP

50 wall balls 24/20
100 double unders
50ft handstand walk
100 double unders
50 cals row
100 double unders
50ft handstand walk
100 double unders

Score is total reps completed in 20min. If you complete all the reps, start a new round at the wall balls

Note: This is a tough workout, don’t let that get to you. There are many ways you can scale this, here’s a good one:

20min AMRAP

50 wall balls 24/20
100 single unders
50ft bear crawl
100 single unders
50 cals row
100 single unders
50ft bear crawl
100 single unders

Everybody did extremely well today. In fact, you did exponentially better than all of those that didn’t sign up so congratulations! Here are the final podium standings, we’ll be sharing the full leaderboard tomorrow

Masters female
1st place Carla D. (Pyro)

Masters male
1st place Brian M. (Pyro)
2nd place James W.

Novice female
1st place Bethany C.
2nd place Olivia K.
3rd place Sarah H.

Novice male
1st place Darren L. (Pyro)

Intermediate female
1st place Wendy S.
2nd place Dena M. (Pyro)
3rd place Jacee

Intermediate male
1st place Antonio L. (Pyro)
2nd place Derek W. (Pyro)
3rd place Adrian B. (Pyro)

The Festivus Games were EPIC! Congratulation to all the Pyro athletes, you guys did it! You went through 3 workouts, a floater workout and some of you even made the top 5 and did the final wod. We also managed to get some podium spots. So amazing!

Events like these are only possible because of you guys. Without the athletes, volunteers, helpers, people cheering, these events would be nothing. Just an empty space, you guys filled it with energy, everybody pushed hard and gave it all. Judging is not an easy tasks, you have to stay focus, reinforce standards, be willing to be that person that calls the no rep and have an athlete redo it, not easy at all. In fact, some people just straight out don’t want to do it. You guys stepped up to the plate and delivered. We did realized that some of you were feed up with it. We ran 10 heats through 3 workouts, that’s 30 workouts, then 50 athletes had to go through the floater, then we had the finals, it was a lot and thankfully we had you to help. We’re so grateful for our community to be like that. Many of you judged multiple heats, we had Bella and Andi looking after the scorekeeping (you guys did amazing), our coaches were there to help for everything (we have the best team out there), some of you were competing and judging, we could name all of you but in the end, you all helped and we’ll be forever grateful for it.

The event went smooth, no real hiccups, nothing major happened, no major injuries, couple tweaks here and there. Was it perfect? Some people just had a blast and that’s all that was needed. For us, there’s always lessons to be learned, things to improve and everything we do is giving us experience. From logistics, organization, equipment, timeframes, judging, we look at everything and we know we can do better. We’re always open to feedback so please, if you have any comments, good or bad, let us know.

A million thanks to Tyler to take pictures today. This is a big event for us and having moments like this immortalized in pictures is worth a lot. Looking forward to see those in the near future. Many of you took pictures today, make sure to send those our way so we can share them through our social media

Now that the Festivus Games is behind us, we can look forward to Pyromania III in July. This event is for us, by us. This is THE competition you don’t want to miss. We truly hope that all of you will do it. This is going to be the only true CrossFit competition that will test you on all aspect of fitness and for is everyone (we cannot stress this enough, FOR EVERYONE). For some reason, there is this belief out there that only the top athletes in the world can do competitions like this. The workouts are for everyone, EVERYONE and we’ll have multiple divisions so you get to pick who you want to compete with. This is a same sex partner competition, 3 days, there will be running, swimming, classic CrossFit, weightlifting and everything in between. More on Pyromania III very soon, be excited, be very excited!!! Registration is live:

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