Do you have what it takes to be a Pyro white Firebreather? Join us Saturday at 11am for a special “testing” session. Those successful will receive the white Firebreather badge of honor.

White Firebreather requirements:
Snatch, 50% of body weight
Clean and jerk, 70% body weight

CrossFit Movements:
1 pull up
1 push up
1 rope climb
10 unbroken double unders

Complete a 5K run

We won’t be testing the 5k run on Saturday

Friday the 13th

13min to find your 3 rep max deadlifts

Note: Reps have to be touch and go. Any re-grip or stop on the ground is a no rep. Tap and go only

5min rest

13min AMRAP

13 bar facing burpees
13 deadlifts @bodyweight
13 toes to bar

Score is your 3 rep max deadlifts + reps in the metcon combined

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