“Trifecta goodness”


Hollow body/arch warm up

Ring push ups/handstand push ups

Muscle up conditionning
5 sets

5sec hang in false grip hold
5sec transition
5sec dip support hold
5sec support hold

Note: This is going to be hard

8min AMRAP:

4 L- pull ups
6 pistols
8 Handstand push ups


Power snatch (no drops)

Overhead squats

Note: Snatch balance the 1st rep if you can

Push press




For time:

25 thrusters 115/85
50 box jumps 24/20
75 deadlifts 115/85
1.5 mile run
75 deadlifts 115/85
50 box jumps 24/20
25 thrusters 115/85

**If you have a weight vest, wear it**

Note: No timecap, you will finish this!!

U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Andrew T. Weathers, 30, of DeRidder, Louisiana, died Sept. 30, 2014, at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

Weathers was wounded Sept. 28 in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, when he heroically ran to a rooftop through hundreds of incoming rounds to repel an attack of insurgents who were attempting to overrun his position. His actions saved the lives of five U.S. Green Berets and nine Afghan Commandos at his location. Weathers was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group, at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

Weathers is survived by his parents, Michael and Jere; sister, Carrie; brother, Dusten; and many other friends and family.


The Turkish get up


E2M14M (7 sets)

2 barbell Turkish get up (left and right)

Note: Build to max. Rest as needed between the 2 reps but you must do both reps in the 2min time frame in order to count. Full rep is from the ground, stand up at full lockout and back down. At the finish, you must be on your back with your arm lockout with the load under control. See video attached for full demo


10min AMRAM

10 kettlebell swings 53/35
1 strict ring dip

Note: Add 2 reps of kettlebell swings and 1 rep of ring dips after each round

Rx+ muscle up to ring dip (muscle up counts as 1 dip)

Finisher: Tabata sit ups (full sit ups)

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