18.2 heats running from 11am to 1pm. There is no CrossFit lite at 11am. Come cheer on all the athletes doing 18.2, just come hangout or even do your own thing Open gym style.

**Benchmark alert**


For time:

100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

-Gold Firebreather requirement-

Note: High volume bodyweight movements, scale the volume and/or movements accordingly

For time:

50 burpees
50 push ups
50 sit ups
50 squats

It is so inspiring to see all of you crushing 18.2. So many of you pushing to their limits, hitting PRs, doing things you never thought possible, cheering each other, this is exactly what the Open is about. You guys are amazing!


Hollow/arch positions

Hollow/arch challenge

7min EMOM

3 kipping swings
2 pulls to hip
1 muscle up

Note: Ring or bar. If you can’t do a muscle up, go for an attempt, chest to bar pull up, pull up or even a pull up attempt. Wherever you’re at, work at it and improve


3 rounds for time:

20 pistols
15 V-ups
10 ring dips
5 L-pull ups


Snatch/Clean and jerk primer

5 sets
1 Muscle snatch + 5 snatch push press

5 sets
2 hang squat snatch + 2 overhead squats

5 sets
1 muscle clean + 5 push press

5 sets
2 hang squat clean + 2 split jerks


5 rounds for time:

2 clean and jerks 135/95
25 wall balls 24/20
2 clean and jerks 135/95
25 double unders
2 clean and jerks 135/95
25 sit ups

Note: Grace + Karen + Annie = this is no joke (GRAKANNIE)

Congratulations to all the athletes that completed 18.2!! Still lots of you left to go, crush it!! Great workout, burner to say the least. Keep you core tight and the elbows up on the clean. Depending how much time you have left, it is possible to hit 90-95% of your 1RM. No real strategies here, just go go go. Obviously, the faster you finish the workout, the more time you have on the bar for your clean. It is a brilliant format. We have heat times all day Friday. Please try you best to make Friday so we don’t get a massive cluster Sunday. We’ll also have heats at 11am Saturday during the Firebreather class as well. Lastly, you have until Monday 6pm to perform the workout and submit your score. We’ll be validating scores periodically everyday.

Thursday night are a bit of a cluster but if you come with an open mind and just expect that your heat might be delayed a bit, it is super fun!

**There are lost of times to perform your workout, please try to make it with the hours from the schedule**


For time:
1 dumbbells squats 50/35
1 bar facing burpees
2 dumbbells squats 50/35
2 bar facing burpees
3 dumbbells squats 50/35
3 bar facing burpees

10 dumbbells squats 50/35
10 bar facing burpees

Time cap: 12min

When you have completed the workout, with the remaining time, perform:

1 rep max clean

Note: If you finish the workout at 11:30, you have 30 sec for your clean, so hurry up! The burpee is a crucial one, for the Rx, every rep must be with the feet together, no step up or down and it must be a 2 feet take off and landing over the bar.

Join us tonight for the live announcement of 18.2 and the ultimate showdown, Sarah vs Shab vs Andrew vs Steve. Then we’ll be running heats all night, make sure you sign up the heat sheet to secure your time. Don’t forget to help judging as well. This is going to be epic!!!


3-3-3-3-3 (not touch and go)

High hang clean


For time:

100 kettlebell swings 53/35
50 box jumps 24/20

5 sets
1 snatch + 1 overhead squat

3sec pause at bottom

5 sets
1 power clean + 1 split jerk

3 sec pause at the catch of your jerk

Back squat

Acc work
GHD sit ups
Hip extension

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