4min AMRAP

10/7 cals bike
8 burpees

1min rest

4min AMRAP

10/7 cals bike
8 burpees

Score is total reps

Outstanding work with the Open so far. We validated 83 scores for 18.1 and 82 scores for 18.2. Let’s keep this up. Remember, you have until Monday 6pm to perform the workout and enter your scores. Affiliate managers have until Wednesday 6pm to validate the scores. We usually go online and validate the scores a couple times a day. Moving forward, all members must sign up for the Open on RhinoFit for heat times. For non-members, just let us know by email, text or in person at the gym early this week. Just like this week, we’ll watch the live announcement of 18.4 Thursday at 6pm and then we’ll have a couple Pyro athletes going head to head. Make sure to swing by and show your support for these athletes that are willing to go uncomfortable in front of everybody to start week 4. We’ll be running heats all night Thursday until 9pm, Friday all day and Sunday. This Sunday was epic for 18.3, let’s keep this up with 18.4.


E2M12M (6 sets)

2 front squats (from the ground)


“Heavy and annoying DIANE”

For time:


Deadlifts 275/185
Strict handstand push ups

Good luck to all the athletes doing 18.3 today. Make sure to reserve for your heat on RhinoFit. If you’ve done it already, come and cheer the athletes, catch up on a few Pyro workouts that you might have missed or just hangout. We’re expecting a good crowd so it will be super fun! Make to familiarize yourself with the standards before performing the workout, video attached and click on the link for the full workout description:


2 rounds for time:

100 double unders
20 overhead squats 115/80
100 double unders
12 ring muscle ups
100 double unders
20 dumbbell snatch 50/35
100 double unders
12 bar muscle ups

Time cap: 14min
*Tie break: time at the last set of double unders completed
2 rounds for time:

100 single unders
20 overhead squats 45/35
100 single unders
12 pull ups
100 single unders
20 dumbbell snatch 35/20
100 single unders
12 pull ups

Time cap: 14min
*Tie break: time at the last set of single unders completed


Hollow/arch positions review

Beat swing + kipping
Pull ups
Bar muscle ups
Ring muscle ups

Not for time:

30 pull ups/ bar or ring muscle ups

Note: Work on developing strength, consistency and muscle memory. These are physical skills that needs practice, there’s no amount of cueing, tips or tricks that will outdo hard work. Get on the bar or rings and fail, fail over and over until you get it. Simple as that. The most important part in all this is, enjoy the process. Failing not in the sense of failure but in the sense of learning and getting better. Failing is a critical component of improving


1min of handstand hold
1min hollow hold
1min of hanging (on a pull up bar)
1min of ring support hold


Snatch and clean and jerk video analysis


Clean and jerk

Note: Try to make each rep between 60-80% of you max so we can take a good video of your technique and critique it. We’ll also look at the bar path. The goal is to identify at least one thing to work on for everyone.

Front squat



10 rounds for time:

10 thrusters 95/65
10 ring push ups

Army Sgt. Keith Adam Coe, 30, of Auburndale, Fla., assigned to the 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., died April 27th, 2010, in Khalis, Iraq, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with an explosive device. He is survived by his wife Katrina Coe, two sons, Killian and Keith Jr., and daughter, Klover.

Congratulations to all the athletes who crushed 18.3 last night!! Absolutely epic!!! Keep pushing forward and good luck to all of you doing it today and this weekend

Make sure to familiarize yourself with the standards, we will go over the workout in class but watching the video demo and looking at the workout description will get you a long way prior to do it.
Here’s the link:https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/open/2018

2 rounds for time:

100 double unders
20 overhead squats 115/80
100 double unders
12 ring muscle ups
100 double unders
20 dumbbell snatch 50/35
100 double unders
12 bar muscle ups

Time cap: 14min
*Tie break: time at the last set of double unders completed
2 rounds for time:

100 single unders
20 overhead squats 45/35
100 single unders
12 pull ups
100 single unders
20 dumbbell snatch 35/20
100 single unders
12 pull ups

Time cap: 14min
*Tie break: time at the last set of single unders completed

Fundamentals part I, 9 fundamental movements, Tuesday March 20th at 7pm. For everyone, current members, new members and non members. Learn everything about the squats, presses and deadlifts. We haven’t run this in a long time so even if you’ve been at Pyro for a while, we highly recommend it, this will set you up for success. Good mechanics, technique and consistency will get you a long way.

Join us tonight, Thursday March 8th at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.3 then make sure to stick around and watch Pyro athletes crushing it. We’ll also be running heats all night, the sign up sheets will be at the box during the day, we had some printing issues, in the meantime, if you’d like to do it Thursday night, just let us know what time by email, text, Facebook message and we’ll sign you in. We got a really good start, keep pushing forward, 3 more to go


10min EMOM alt min

1 rope climb or peg board ascent
10 dumbbell overhead squat (5 right, 5 left)

Note: For both movements, pick something challenging but doable for 5 sets each. If comfortable with doing rope climbs, go legless


12min AMRAP

5 burpees to a target
7 knees to elbows
9 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/85


Snatch/Clean and jerk primer

5 sets
3 positions snatch + 1 overhead squat
1 high hang snatch
1 hang snatch
1 snatch
1 overhead squat

5 sets
3 positions clean + 1 push press
1 high hang clean
1 hang clean
1 clean
1 push press

Note: For both complexes, keep the weight under 50% of your maxes. This will reinforce proper technique, speed and consistency. Build up or fixed weight, go with how you feel

Back squat

Join us Thursday night at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.3 and watch Pyro athletes crushing it. Darren vs Kyle vs Sarah vs Shab. Come cheer the athletes and we’ll be running heats all night!! This is going to be epic!




6min AMRAP
50ft bear crawl
5 squat cleans 185/135

2min rest

6min AMRAP
60 double unders
6 dumbbell turkish get ups 50/35

Join us this Thursday at 6pm for the Live announcement of 18.3 and watch 4 Pyro athletes battling it out. We’ll be running heats Thursday night, Friday all day and Sunday as part of our regular classes. Once again, watching all of you crushing those workouts is simply amazing. Sweet skillz!!




6 rounds for time:

25ft handstand walk
10 pistols
5 muscle ups


6 rounds for time:

3 wall walks
10 step ups 24
5 pull ups


Snatch/clean and jerk primer

5 sets
1 snatch + 5 overhead squats

5 sets
1 clean + 5 front squats + 1 jerk

Push press

The Open is so exciting! Keep pushing hard and don’t give up. After an assessment of the last 2 weeks, it’s clear that the Sundays are where it’s at for the Open, so moving forward we’ll do the Open workouts from 9am until 12pm on Sundays. Since there is so many of us doing it with different schedule, our goal is to make sure all of you can make it. We’ll still run heats on Thursday nights after the live announcement, Fridays all day as part of our regular programming and Sundays. Seems like a lot but with 83 (yes, that’s many did 18.1 at Pyro) of us doing it, it’s necessary. Most importantly, it’s so much fun!! The Open without the community is just like any other workouts, the Open with all of us turns into something special, this is where we all connect, this is where we grow as a community, this is where you grow as a person and as an athlete. As much as we wanted this time to be Thursday night, it doesn’t appear that many of you can make it so Sundays it is. BOOM!


3 rounds for reps:

1min row cals
1min Box jump overs 24/20
1min thursters 75/55
1min GHD sit ups
1min deadlifts 225/155
1min rest



8min AMRAP

15/12 cals bike
15/12 cals row
30 double unders

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