2018 CrossFit Open Pyro Leaderboard:
Men Rx 1st Stephen
Women Rx 1st Sarah W.
Men Sc 1st Eric S.
Women Sc 1st Shab
Men 35-39 Rx Scott
Women 35-39 Rx Kristen
Men 35-39 Sc Eric S.
Women 35-39 Sc Rittu
Men 40-44 Rx Darren P.
Women 40-44 Rx Andi P.
Men 40-44 Sc Kris K.
Women 40-44 Sc Shann
Men 45-49 Rx Brian M.
Women 45-49 Sc Carla

Team: 45/94

Congratulations to all of you!!!

Hollow/arch warm up

Ring series 5 sets

10min AMRAP alt minute

1min 2 pull ups, 3 sec hang, 3 sec up, 3 sec pause at top, 3 sec down
1min 2 ring push ups, 3 sec at bottom, 3 sec up, 3 sec pause at the top, 3 sec down

This EMOM is to reinforce full range of motion, stability and build strength

5 rounds for time:

1 strict knee to elbow
2 knees to elbow
3 toes to bar
2 strict toes to bar
1 bar muscle up


Snatch/clean and jerk primer

Overhead squat

Note: Try to make your 1st a snatch balance


Acc work:
50 GHD sit ups


*Silver Firebreather requirement”

“Fight gone bad”

3 rounds for reps:

1min wall balls 20/14
1min sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
1min box jumps 20inch
1min push press 75/55
1min row cals

1min rest between rounds

“The origin story of “Fight Gone Bad” is now a thing of CrossFit legend. When world-renowned UFC fighter B.J. Penn went to CrossFit founder Greg Glassman looking for a workout that would mimic the trials of a bout in the Octagon, Glassman devised a devastating test: three five-minute rounds containing high-power compound exercises meant to work every muscle in the body and re-create the intensity of a real mixed martial arts battle.

When Penn was lying on the floor trying to catch his breath after the brutal workout, Glassman asked whether the new circuit felt anything like a fight. “It’s like a fight gone bad,” Penn replied, supplying the name for one of CrossFit’s most challenging—and notorious—workouts.”

18.6 was EPIC!! Thanks to everyone that could make it. We ran 2 heats and the workout was effectively awesome. The 2018 Open is officially over. It was so incredible to see all of you pushing so hard, achieving new heights, new PRs and doing things you never thought possible. So many of you got your first pull ups, got to lift heavier than you did before, some did their first muscle ups, double unders, some did Rx, the list goes on. For everything that you did, give yourself a huge applause, for everything you couldn’t do or wish you could do, see it as a challenge, work at it and annihilate it next year. You guys are truly amazing, all of you and we’re really grateful to have you in the Pyro community.
The Open is not about the leaderboard or winning, but we still have to recognize the effort within our box:

Male Rx 1st place
Stephen L.
Women Rx 1st place
Sarah W.
Men Sc 1st place
Eric S.
Women Sc 1st place

There’s also all the masters that did so awesome. We’ll bring the full list tomorrow, we just don’t have the full list at the time of this post. Congratulations!!

No classes today, meet at the memorial stairs by the curling club. Meet at the bottom, workout starts at 1015, we’ll be there no matter what, just dress accordingly.

Pyro stairs 2.0

5 rounds for time:

15 squats
Run 300 meter (bottom of the stairs to the start of the bridge and back)
Up the stairs to half
10 push ups
Up the stairs to top
5 burpees
Down the stairs

Note: If you have a weight vest, wear it

Score is the total number of squats, push ups and burpees total

There are many times in the day to get your fitness in. Currently the 6am, 5pm and 6pm are the most steady. Did you know we have a class at 930am and 12pm? Also, 1030am until noon open gym is a great time to work on your skills or catch up on a previous workout. Lots of benefits to get it done early, then you have the rest of the day for other things and you’ll feel great. Also, if you’re used to go at a specific time, switch things up from time to time. Get to know other athletes. After a while, when you always come at the same time, workout with the same people, same coach, things might get stagnant, get out of your comfort zone. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”

Join us tonight at 6pm for the live announcement of 18.6 then tackle it head on at 6:15 (This isn’t really 18.6, we just made that up). The 2018 post Open party will start right after the workout. Can’t make it for the workout, just join us after. There will be a draw for all of you that did all 5 workouts and register a score. You need to be on sight to win as well. Hope to see all of you there

No classes Friday, instead, we’ll all meet at the memorial stairs for 10am, workout will start at 1015 sharp. If you have a weight vest, bring it. Don’t have a weight vest? A weighted back pack will do just fine

Regular classes Saturday, Closed Sunday, morning classes only for Monday. Make sure to look at the schedule


Teams of 2
2 rounds for time:

60 cals row
50 handstand push ups
40 pull ups
30 clean and jerk 135/95
20 sync burpees over the bar
10 wall walks

Note: Share the work as needed

Timecap: 30min

If you cannot complete the full 2 rounds, your score is your total reps at 30min. Have fun!!!


Clean and jerk primer

5 sets (no drops)
5 hang power cleans + 1 jerk

Push press

Clean pulls @110 of 1RM

Hatch Squat W1D1
Back squat
1×10 @60%
1×8 @65%
1×8 @70%
1×8 @75%

Front squat
1×5 @60%
1×5 @65%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @70%

18.6 is….

You’ll have to come at 6pm to know

Stairs workout Friday March 30th at 10am. If you have a weight vest, bring it. There will be no classes Friday at the gym, just meet us at the stairs. Everybody welcome, members and non-members. Regular classes Saturday, gymnastics at 9, weightlifting at 10, Firebreathers at 11. No classes Sunday


5 sets
3 hip clean + 1 jerk

Note: squat cleans, no drops, build to max


8min AMRAP

6 sumo deadlift high pulls 115/85
4 box jumps 36/30

The 2018 Open is officially over, Congratulations to all the Pyro athletes and friends that came to Pyro to do it. Big shoutout to all the athletes that performed the workouts after the announcement, it takes a lot of guts to do the workouts minutes after it was announced in front of everyone. Sweet skills! Thanks to Mark for bringing all the equipment for watching the live announcement. He took time to bring everything, do all the hookups and made sure everything ran well. Not only that, he was also our head judge, printing the score sheets, making sure that all the judging was done properly, movement standard reinforced and really just have a great presence during all 5 weeks of the Open. Again, thanks Mark, really appreciate it! Lastly, thanks to all our coaches for helping out and all of you for volunteering.

We hope that you all had fun and a good experience. On our end, overall it was a great experience, you guys were amazing. That being said, we’re always taking feedback, suggestions and are always willing to improve. We’re already planning what 2019 is going to look like. If you have any feedback for us, make sure to share it.

The Open might be officially over but we haven’t done an official closure yet. Come celebrate with us Thursday night starting at 6pm. We’ll be doing 18.6 starting at 6:15 and then talk everything 2018 Open, highs and lows, talk about our experiences, goals for 2019, play some spikeball, have a few refreshments, just have fun. See you all there

Stairs workout Friday at 10am. There will be no classes, meet at 10am, bottom of the stairs, workout starts at 1015 sharp. If you have a weight vest, bring it!


The rope climb

Note: Review the wraps and technique


15min AMRAP

1 rope climb
15ft handstand walk
30 double unders

Note: Handstand walk must be in 5ft increments


Hang power snatch (no drops)

Snatch pulls @110% of 1RM (no drops)

Hatch squat program W1D1
Back squat
1×10 @60%
1×8 @70%
1×6 @75%
1×4 @80%

Front squat
1×5 @60%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @70%
1×5 @70%

Note: The squat program should take approximately 20min

Reminder: You still have until tonight 6pm to perform and submit your scored for 18.5. No excuses, get after it

Hatch squat program is starting Tuesday. The program will be attached to our weightlifting program. If can’t make it to weightlifting classes, we strongly encouraged you to do the program at other times. It is a 12 week program based on your max front squat and back squat. Also, our weightlifting cycle will be 12 weeks as well. We’ll be sharing the excel sheet on the facebook group and emails. Do the program and you’ll get massive gainz.

Join us Thursday night at 6pm for a special post 2018 Open. We’ll be doing 18.6, mostly a workout based on what was missing from the Open this year. We’ll be doing the workout at 6:15 then make sure to stick around for the festivities. We’ll have food, games, spikeball, refreshments and closing the night at Citizen brewery. You don’t want to miss this.


Hip snatch

Note: All reps are squat snatch. No drops


8min AMRAP

4 squat cleans 155/105
6 ring dips

4 x 2min rounds for reps:
1min rest between rounds

30/21 cals bike
Max burpees over the box 24/20

Note: Burpees are box facing, no step ups allowed

Friendly reminder to sign up for your heat Sunday

Trifecta godness



10min EMOM

15ft handsta walk


For time:


Toes to bar
Ring dips


Snatch/clean and jerk primer


Clean and jerk


For time:

15 snatch @75% of 1rm
15 clean and jerk @75% of 1rm

Note: Squat snatch and squat cleans


For time:

1mile run
150 wall balls 20/14
15 muscle ups

Note: Bar or ring muscle ups

Good luck to all the athletes crushing 18.5 today. Last one, give it all!!!


7min AMRAP

3 thrusters
3 chest to bar pull ups
6 thrusters
6 chest to bar pull ups
9 thrusters
9 chest to bar pull ups
12 thrusters
12 chest to bar pull ups
Keep adding 3 of each until you run our of time

Rx: Men at 100lbs, women at 65lbs

Scaled: Men at 65, women at 45lbs. Jumping chin over the bar pull up with the bar at 6 inches above your head

Join us tonight for the live announcement of 18.5, the final workout of the 2018 CrossFit Games Open. This week, they’re adding a twist, we get to vote from 3 options. Dave Castro, director of the CrossFit Games will be presenting the 3 options on facebook live at 4pm (3pm pacific time). Make sure to cast your vote. Following the live announcement, Kristen, Nat (night Nat), Damian and Juan will be crushing 18.5 to start things off with a bang. You don’t want to miss that. Swing by to cheer them out. This is going to be EPIC!!!

Monday night, after the deadline to submit your 18.5 score, we’ll be do a draw for all the participant of the Open that did all 5 workouts and submitted their scores. We have a weightlifting belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, skipping ropes and kin tapes. Pretty cool!


5 rounds for time:

10 burpees to a 6inch target
10 hang dumbbell clean and jerk (5 per side) 50/35
30 double unders

Note: For the burpees to target, the target can be a pull up bar, rings, or anything 6 inches above reach. Both hands has to touch the target. NO SCALE for that. Open standards for the dumbbell clean and jerk, 5 on the one side then switch. Dumbbell has to pass at the shoulders




Muscle clean

Power clean


Jerk (from the rack)

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