2018 CrossFit Open Pyro Leaderboard:
Men Rx 1st Stephen
Women Rx 1st Sarah W.
Men Sc 1st Eric S.
Women Sc 1st Shab
Men 35-39 Rx Scott
Women 35-39 Rx Kristen
Men 35-39 Sc Eric S.
Women 35-39 Sc Rittu
Men 40-44 Rx Darren P.
Women 40-44 Rx Andi P.
Men 40-44 Sc Kris K.
Women 40-44 Sc Shann
Men 45-49 Rx Brian M.
Women 45-49 Sc Carla

Team: 45/94

Congratulations to all of you!!!

Hollow/arch warm up

Ring series 5 sets

10min AMRAP alt minute

1min 2 pull ups, 3 sec hang, 3 sec up, 3 sec pause at top, 3 sec down
1min 2 ring push ups, 3 sec at bottom, 3 sec up, 3 sec pause at the top, 3 sec down

This EMOM is to reinforce full range of motion, stability and build strength

5 rounds for time:

1 strict knee to elbow
2 knees to elbow
3 toes to bar
2 strict toes to bar
1 bar muscle up


Snatch/clean and jerk primer

Overhead squat

Note: Try to make your 1st a snatch balance


Acc work:
50 GHD sit ups


*Silver Firebreather requirement”

“Fight gone bad”

3 rounds for reps:

1min wall balls 20/14
1min sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
1min box jumps 20inch
1min push press 75/55
1min row cals

1min rest between rounds

“The origin story of “Fight Gone Bad” is now a thing of CrossFit legend. When world-renowned UFC fighter B.J. Penn went to CrossFit founder Greg Glassman looking for a workout that would mimic the trials of a bout in the Octagon, Glassman devised a devastating test: three five-minute rounds containing high-power compound exercises meant to work every muscle in the body and re-create the intensity of a real mixed martial arts battle.

When Penn was lying on the floor trying to catch his breath after the brutal workout, Glassman asked whether the new circuit felt anything like a fight. “It’s like a fight gone bad,” Penn replied, supplying the name for one of CrossFit’s most challenging—and notorious—workouts.”

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